Adam Rackis – CSS-Tricks Tips, Tricks, and Techniques on using Cascading Style Sheets. Mon, 06 Feb 2023 15:14:37 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Adam Rackis – CSS-Tricks 32 32 45537868 Caching Data in SvelteKit Wed, 01 Feb 2023 15:04:33 +0000 My previous post was a broad overview of SvelteKit where we saw what a great tool it is for web development. This post will fork off what we did there and dive into every developer’s favorite topic: caching. So, …

Caching Data in SvelteKit originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

My previous post was a broad overview of SvelteKit where we saw what a great tool it is for web development. This post will fork off what we did there and dive into every developer’s favorite topic: caching. So, be sure to give my last post a read if you haven’t already. The code for this post is available on GitHub, as well as a live demo.

This post is all about data handling. We’ll add some rudimentary search functionality that will modify the page’s query string (using built-in SvelteKit features), and re-trigger the page’s loader. But, rather than just re-query our (imaginary) database, we’ll add some caching so re-searching prior searches (or using the back button) will show previously retrieved data, quickly, from cache. We’ll look at how to control the length of time the cached data stays valid and, more importantly, how to manually invalidate all cached values. As icing on the cake, we’ll look at how we can manually update the data on the current screen, client-side, after a mutation, while still purging the cache.

This will be a longer, more difficult post than most of what I usually write since we’re covering harder topics. This post will essentially show you how to implement common features of popular data utilities like react-query; but instead of pulling in an external library, we’ll only be using the web platform and SvelteKit features.

Unfortunately, the web platform’s features are a bit lower level, so we’ll be doing a bit more work than you might be used to. The upside is we won’t need any external libraries, which will help keep bundle sizes nice and small. Please don’t use the approaches I’m going to show you unless you have a good reason to. Caching is easy to get wrong, and as you’ll see, there’s a bit of complexity that’ll result in your application code. Hopefully your data store is fast, and your UI is fine allowing SvelteKit to just always request the data it needs for any given page. If it is, leave it alone. Enjoy the simplicity. But this post will show you some tricks for when that stops being the case.

Speaking of react-query, it was just released for Svelte! So if you find yourself leaning on manual caching techniques a lot, be sure to check that project out, and see if it might help.

Setting up

Before we start, let’s make a few small changes to the code we had before. This will give us an excuse to see some other SvelteKit features and, more importantly, set us up for success.

First, let’s move our data loading from our loader in +page.server.js to an API route. We’ll create a +server.js file in routes/api/todos, and then add a GET function. This means we’ll now be able to fetch (using the default GET verb) to the /api/todos path. We’ll add the same data loading code as before.

import { json } from "@sveltejs/kit";
import { getTodos } from "$lib/data/todoData";

export async function GET({ url, setHeaders, request }) {
  const search = url.searchParams.get("search") || "";

  const todos = await getTodos(search);

  return json(todos);

Next, let’s take the page loader we had, and simply rename the file from +page.server.js to +page.js (or .ts if you’ve scaffolded your project to use TypeScript). This changes our loader to be a “universal” loader rather than a server loader. The SvelteKit docs explain the difference, but a universal loader runs on both the server and also the client. One advantage for us is that the fetch call into our new endpoint will run right from our browser (after the initial load), using the browser’s native fetch function. We’ll add standard HTTP caching in a bit, but for now, all we’ll do is call the endpoint.

export async function load({ fetch, url, setHeaders }) {
  const search = url.searchParams.get("search") || "";

  const resp = await fetch(`/api/todos?search=${encodeURIComponent(search)}`);

  const todos = await resp.json();

  return {

Now let’s add a simple form to our /list page:

<div class="search-form">
  <form action="/list">
    <input autofocus name="search" />

Yep, forms can target directly to our normal page loaders. Now we can add a search term in the search box, hit Enter, and a “search” term will be appended to the URL’s query string, which will re-run our loader and search our to-do items.

Search form

Let’s also increase the delay in our todoData.js file in /lib/data. This will make it easy to see when data are and are not cached as we work through this post.

export const wait = async amount => new Promise(res => setTimeout(res, amount ?? 500));

Remember, the full code for this post is all on GitHub, if you need to reference it.

Basic caching

Let’s get started by adding some caching to our /api/todos endpoint. We’ll go back to our +server.js file and add our first cache-control header.

  "cache-control": "max-age=60",

…which will leave the whole function looking like this:

export async function GET({ url, setHeaders, request }) {
  const search = url.searchParams.get("search") || "";

    "cache-control": "max-age=60",

  const todos = await getTodos(search);

  return json(todos);

We’ll look at manual invalidation shortly, but all this function says is to cache these API calls for 60 seconds. Set this to whatever you want, and depending on your use case, stale-while-revalidate might also be worth looking into.

And just like that, our queries are caching.

Cache in DevTools.

Note make sure you un-check the checkbox that disables caching in dev tools.

Remember, if your initial navigation on the app is the list page, those search results will be cached internally to SvelteKit, so don’t expect to see anything in DevTools when returning to that search.

What is cached, and where

Our very first, server-rendered load of our app (assuming we start at the /list page) will be fetched on the server. SvelteKit will serialize and send this data down to our client. What’s more, it will observe the Cache-Control header on the response, and will know to use this cached data for that endpoint call within the cache window (which we set to 60 seconds in put example).

After that initial load, when you start searching on the page, you should see network requests from your browser to the /api/todos list. As you search for things you’ve already searched for (within the last 60 seconds), the responses should load immediately since they’re cached.

What’s especially cool with this approach is that, since this is caching via the browser’s native caching, these calls could (depending on how you manage the cache busting we’ll be looking at) continue to cache even if you reload the page (unlike the initial server-side load, which always calls the endpoint fresh, even if it did it within the last 60 seconds).

Obviously data can change anytime, so we need a way to purge this cache manually, which we’ll look at next.

Cache invalidation

Right now, data will be cached for 60 seconds. No matter what, after a minute, fresh data will be pulled from our datastore. You might want a shorter or longer time period, but what happens if you mutate some data and want to clear your cache immediately so your next query will be up to date? We’ll solve this by adding a query-busting value to the URL we send to our new /todos endpoint.

Let’s store this cache busting value in a cookie. That value can be set on the server but still read on the client. Let’s look at some sample code.

We can create a +layout.server.js file at the very root of our routes folder. This will run on application startup, and is a perfect place to set an initial cookie value.

export function load({ cookies, isDataRequest }) {
  const initialRequest = !isDataRequest;

  const cacheValue = initialRequest ? +new Date() : cookies.get("todos-cache");

  if (initialRequest) {
    cookies.set("todos-cache", cacheValue, { path: "/", httpOnly: false });

  return {
    todosCacheBust: cacheValue,

You may have noticed the isDataRequest value. Remember, layouts will re-run anytime client code calls invalidate(), or anytime we run a server action (assuming we don’t turn off default behavior). isDataRequest indicates those re-runs, and so we only set the cookie if that’s false; otherwise, we send along what’s already there.

The httpOnly: false flag is also significant. This allows our client code to read these cookie values in document.cookie. This would normally be a security concern, but in our case these are meaningless numbers that allow us to cache or cache bust.

Reading cache values

Our universal loader is what calls our /todos endpoint. This runs on the server or the client, and we need to read that cache value we just set up no matter where we are. It’s relatively easy if we’re on the server: we can call await parent() to get the data from parent layouts. But on the client, we’ll need to use some gross code to parse document.cookie:

export function getCookieLookup() {
  if (typeof document !== "object") {
    return {};

  return document.cookie.split("; ").reduce((lookup, v) => {
    const parts = v.split("=");
    lookup[parts[0]] = parts[1];

    return lookup;
  }, {});

const getCurrentCookieValue = name => {
  const cookies = getCookieLookup();
  return cookies[name] ?? "";

Fortunately, we only need it once.

Sending out the cache value

But now we need to send this value to our /todos endpoint.

import { getCurrentCookieValue } from "$lib/util/cookieUtils";

export async function load({ fetch, parent, url, setHeaders }) {
  const parentData = await parent();

  const cacheBust = getCurrentCookieValue("todos-cache") || parentData.todosCacheBust;
  const search = url.searchParams.get("search") || "";

  const resp = await fetch(`/api/todos?search=${encodeURIComponent(search)}&cache=${cacheBust}`);
  const todos = await resp.json();

  return {

getCurrentCookieValue('todos-cache') has a check in it to see if we’re on the client (by checking the type of document), and returns nothing if we are, at which point we know we’re on the server. Then it uses the value from our layout.

Busting the cache

But how do we actually update that cache busting value when we need to? Since it’s stored in a cookie, we can call it like this from any server action:

cookies.set("todos-cache", cacheValue, { path: "/", httpOnly: false });

The implementation

It’s all downhill from here; we’ve done the hard work. We’ve covered the various web platform primitives we need, as well as where they go. Now let’s have some fun and write application code to tie it all together.

For reasons that’ll become clear in a bit, let’s start by adding an editing functionality to our /list page. We’ll add this second table row for each todo:

import { enhance } from "$app/forms";
  <td colspan="4">
    <form use:enhance method="post" action="?/editTodo">
      <input name="id" value="{}" type="hidden" />
      <input name="title" value="{t.title}" />

And, of course, we’ll need to add a form action for our /list page. Actions can only go in .server pages, so we’ll add a +page.server.js in our /list folder. (Yes, a +page.server.js file can co-exist next to a +page.js file.)

import { getTodo, updateTodo, wait } from "$lib/data/todoData";

export const actions = {
  async editTodo({ request, cookies }) {
    const formData = await request.formData();

    const id = formData.get("id");
    const newTitle = formData.get("title");

    await wait(250);
    updateTodo(id, newTitle);

    cookies.set("todos-cache", +new Date(), { path: "/", httpOnly: false });

We’re grabbing the form data, forcing a delay, updating our todo, and then, most importantly, clearing our cache bust cookie.

Let’s give this a shot. Reload your page, then edit one of the to-do items. You should see the table value update after a moment. If you look in the Network tab in DevToold, you’ll see a fetch to the /todos endpoint, which returns your new data. Simple, and works by default.

Saving data

Immediate updates

What if we want to avoid that fetch that happens after we update our to-do item, and instead, update the modified item right on the screen?

This isn’t just a matter of performance. If you search for “post” and then remove the word “post” from any of the to-do items in the list, they’ll vanish from the list after the edit since they’re no longer in that page’s search results. You could make the UX better with some tasteful animation for the exiting to-do, but let’s say we wanted to not re-run that page’s load function but still clear the cache and update the modified to-do so the user can see the edit. SvelteKit makes that possible — let’s see how!

First, let’s make one little change to our loader. Instead of returning our to-do items, let’s return a writeable store containing our to-dos.

return {
  todos: writable(todos),

Before, we were accessing our to-dos on the data prop, which we do not own and cannot update. But Svelte lets us return our data in their own store (assuming we’re using a universal loader, which we are). We just need to make one more tweak to our /list page.

Instead of this:

{#each todos as t}

…we need to do this since todos is itself now a store.:

{#each $todos as t}

Now our data loads as before. But since todos is a writeable store, we can update it.

First, let’s provide a function to our use:enhance attribute:


This will run before a submit. Let’s write that next:

function executeSave({ data }) {
  const id = data.get("id");
  const title = data.get("title");

  return async () => {
    todos.update(list => => {
        if ( == id) {
          return Object.assign({}, todo, { title });
        } else {
          return todo;

This function provides a data object with our form data. We return an async function that will run after our edit is done. The docs explain all of this, but by doing this, we shut off SvelteKit’s default form handling that would have re-run our loader. This is exactly what we want! (We could easily get that default behavior back, as the docs explain.)

We now call update on our todos array since it’s a store. And that’s that. After editing a to-do item, our changes show up immediately and our cache is cleared (as before, since we set a new cookie value in our editTodo form action). So, if we search and then navigate back to this page, we’ll get fresh data from our loader, which will correctly exclude any updated to-do items that were updated.

The code for the immediate updates is available at GitHub.

Digging deeper

We can set cookies in any server load function (or server action), not just the root layout. So, if some data are only used underneath a single layout, or even a single page, you could set that cookie value there. Moreoever, if you’re not doing the trick I just showed manually updating on-screen data, and instead want your loader to re-run after a mutation, then you could always set a new cookie value right in that load function without any check against isDataRequest. It’ll set initially, and then anytime you run a server action that page layout will automatically invalidate and re-call your loader, re-setting the cache bust string before your universal loader is called.

Writing a reload function

Let’s wrap-up by building one last feature: a reload button. Let’s give users a button that will clear cache and then reload the current query.

We’ll add a dirt simple form action:

async reloadTodos({ cookies }) {
  cookies.set('todos-cache', +new Date(), { path: '/', httpOnly: false });

In a real project you probably wouldn’t copy/paste the same code to set the same cookie in the same way in multiple places, but for this post we’ll optimize for simplicity and readability.

Now let’s create a form to post to it:

<form method="POST" action="?/reloadTodos" use:enhance>
  <button>Reload todos</button>

That works!

UI after reload.

We could call this done and move on, but let’s improve this solution a bit. Specifically, let’s provide feedback on the page to tell the user the reload is happening. Also, by default, SvelteKit actions invalidate everything. Every layout, page, etc. in the current page’s hierarchy would reload. There might be some data that’s loaded once in the root layout that we don’t need to invalidate or re-load.

So, let’s focus things a bit, and only reload our to-dos when we call this function.

First, let’s pass a function to enhance:

<form method="POST" action="?/reloadTodos" use:enhance={reloadTodos}>
import { enhance } from "$app/forms";
import { invalidate } from "$app/navigation";

let reloading = false;
const reloadTodos = () => {
  reloading = true;

  return async () => {
    invalidate("reload:todos").then(() => {
      reloading = false;

We’re setting a new reloading variable to true at the start of this action. And then, in order to override the default behavior of invalidating everything, we return an async function. This function will run when our server action is finished (which just sets a new cookie).

Without this async function returned, SvelteKit would invalidate everything. Since we’re providing this function, it will invalidate nothing, so it’s up to us to tell it what to reload. We do this with the invalidate function. We call it with a value of reload:todos. This function returns a promise, which resolves when the invalidation is complete, at which point we set reloading back to false.

Lastly, we need to sync our loader up with this new reload:todos invalidation value. We do that in our loader with the depends function:

export async function load({ fetch, url, setHeaders, depends }) {

  // rest is the same

And that’s that. depends and invalidate are incredibly useful functions. What’s cool is that invalidate doesn’t just take arbitrary values we provide like we did. We can also provide a URL, which SvelteKit will track, and invalidate any loaders that depend on that URL. To that end, if you’re wondering whether we could skip the call to depends and invalidate our /api/todos endpoint altogether, you can, but you have to provide the exact URL, including the search term (and our cache value). So, you could either put together the URL for the current search, or match on the path name, like this:

invalidate(url => url.pathname == "/api/todos");

Personally, I find the solution that uses depends more explicit and simple. But see the docs for more info, of course, and decide for yourself.

If you’d like to see the reload button in action, the code for it is in this branch of the repo.

Parting thoughts

This was a long post, but hopefully not overwhelming. We dove into various ways we can cache data when using SvelteKit. Much of this was just a matter of using web platform primitives to add the correct cache, and cookie values, knowledge of which will serve you in web development in general, beyond just SvelteKit.

Moreover, this is something you absolutely do not need all the time. Arguably, you should only reach for these sort of advanced features when you actually need them. If your datastore is serving up data quickly and efficiently, and you’re not dealing with any kind of scaling problems, there’s no sense in bloating your application code with needless complexity doing the things we talked about here.

As always, write clear, clean, simple code, and optimize when necessary. The purpose of this post was to provide you those optimization tools for when you truly need them. I hope you enjoyed it!

Caching Data in SvelteKit originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

]]> 2 376634
Getting Started With SvelteKit Mon, 23 Jan 2023 13:48:43 +0000 SvelteKit is the latest of what I’d call next-gen application frameworks. It, of course, scaffolds an application for you, with the file-based routing, deployment, and server-side rendering that Next has done forever. But SvelteKit also supports nested layouts, server mutations …

Getting Started With SvelteKit originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

SvelteKit is the latest of what I’d call next-gen application frameworks. It, of course, scaffolds an application for you, with the file-based routing, deployment, and server-side rendering that Next has done forever. But SvelteKit also supports nested layouts, server mutations that sync up the data on your page, and some other niceties we’ll get into.

This post is meant to be a high-level introduction to hopefully build some excitement for anyone who’s never used SvelteKit. It’ll be a relaxed tour. If you like what you see, the full docs are here.

In some ways this is a challenging post to write. SvelteKit is an application framework. It exists to help you build… well, applications. That makes it hard to demo. It’s not feasible to build an entire application in a blog post. So instead, we’ll use our imaginations a bit. We’ll build the skeleton of an application, have some empty UI placeholders, and hard-coded static data. The goal isn’t to build an actual application, but instead to show you how SvelteKit’s moving pieces work so you can build an application of your own.

To that end, we’ll build the tried and true To-Do application as an example. But don’t worry, this will be much, much more about seeing how SvelteKit works than creating yet another To-Do app.

The code for everything in this post is available at GitHub. This project is also deployed on Vercel for a live demo.

Creating your project

Spinning up a new SvelteKit project is simple enough. Run npm create svelte@latest your-app-name in the terminal and answer the question prompts. Be sure to pick “Skeleton Project” but otherwise make whatever selections you want for TypeScript, ESLint, etc.

Once the project is created, run npm i and npm run dev and a dev server should start running. Fire up localhost:5173 in the browser and you’ll get the placeholder page for the skeleton app.

Basic routing

Notice the routes folder under src. That holds code for all of our routes. There’s already a +page.svelte file in there with content for the root / route. No matter where in the file hierarchy you are, the actual page for that path always has the name +page.svelte. With that in mind, let’s create pages for /list, /details, /admin/user-settings and admin/paid-status, and also add some text placeholders for each page.

Your file layout should look something like this:

Initial files.

You should be able to navigate around by changing URL paths in the browser address bar.

Browser address bar with localhost URL.


We’ll want navigation links in our app, but we certainly don’t want to copy the markup for them on each page we create. So, let’s create a +layout.svelte file in the root of our routes folder, which SvelteKit will treat as a global template for all pages. Let’s and add some content to it:

      <a href="/">Home</a>
      <a href="/list">To-Do list</a>
      <a href="/admin/paid-status">Account status</a>
      <a href="/admin/user-settings">User settings</a>

<slot />

  nav {
    background-color: beige;
  nav ul {
    display: flex;
  li {
    list-style: none;
    margin: 15px;
  a {
    text-decoration: none;
    color: black;

Some rudimentary navigation with some basic styles. Of particular importance is the <slot /> tag. This is not the slot you use with web components and shadow DOM, but rather a Svelte feature indicating where to put our content. When a page renders, the page content will slide in where the slot is.

And now we have some navigation! We won’t win any design competitions, but we’re not trying to.

Horizontal navigation with light yellow background.

Nested layouts

What if we wanted all our admin pages to inherit the normal layout we just built but also share some things common to all admin pages (but only admin pages)? No problem, we add another +layout.svelte file in our root admin directory, which will be inherited by everything underneath it. Let’s do that and add this content:

<div>This is an admin page</div>

<slot />

  div {
    padding: 15px;
    margin: 10px 0;
    background-color: red;
    color: white;

We add a red banner indicating this is an admin page and then, like before, a <slot /> denoting where we want our page content to go.

Our root layout from before renders. Inside of the root layout is a <slot /> tag. The nested layout’s content goes into the root layout’s <slot />. And finally, the nested layout defines its own <slot />, into which the page content renders.

If you navigate to the admin pages, you should see the new red banner:

Red box beneath navigation that says this is an admin page.

Defining our data

OK, let’s render some actual data — or at least, see how we can render some actual data. There’s a hundred ways to create and connect to a database. This post is about SvelteKit though, not managing DynamoDB, so we’ll “load” some static data instead. But, we’ll use all the same machinery to read and update it that you’d use for real data. For a real web app, swap out the functions returning static data with functions connecting and querying to whatever database you happen to use.

Let’s create a dirt-simple module in lib/data/todoData.ts that returns some static data along with artificial delays to simulate real queries. You’ll see this lib folder imported elsewhere via $lib. This is a SvelteKit feature for that particular folder, and you can even add your own aliases.

let todos = [
  { id: 1, title: "Write SvelteKit intro blog post", assigned: "Adam", tags: [1] },
  { id: 2, title: "Write SvelteKit advanced data loading blog post", assigned: "Adam", tags: [1] },
  { id: 3, title: "Prepare RenderATL talk", assigned: "Adam", tags: [2] },
  { id: 4, title: "Fix all SvelteKit bugs", assigned: "Rich", tags: [3] },
  { id: 5, title: "Edit Adam's blog posts", assigned: "Geoff", tags: [4] },

let tags = [
  { id: 1, name: "SvelteKit Content", color: "ded" },
  { id: 2, name: "Conferences", color: "purple" },
  { id: 3, name: "SvelteKit Development", color: "pink" },
  { id: 4, name: "CSS-Tricks Admin", color: "blue" },

export const wait = async amount => new Promise(res => setTimeout(res, amount ?? 100));

export async function getTodos() {
  await wait();

  return todos;

export async function getTags() {
  await wait();

  return tags.reduce((lookup, tag) => {
    lookup[] = tag;
    return lookup;
  }, {});

export async function getTodo(id) {
  return todos.find(t => == id);

A function to return a flat array of our to-do items, a lookup of our tags, and a function to fetch a single to-do (we’ll use that last one in our Details page).

Loading our data

How do we get that data into our Svelte pages? There’s a number of ways, but for now, let’s create a +page.server.js file in our list folder, and put this content in it:

import { getTodos, getTags } from "$lib/data/todoData";

export function load() {
  const todos = getTodos();
  const tags = getTags();

  return {

We’ve defined a load() function that pulls in the data needed for the page. Notice that we are not await-ing calls to our getTodos and getTags async functions. Doing so would create a data loading waterfall as we wait for our to-do items to come in before loading our tags. Instead, we return the raw promises from load, and SvelteKit does the necessary work to await them.

So, how do we access this data from our page component? SvelteKit provides a data prop for our component with data on it. We’ll access our to-do items and tags from it using a reactive assignment.

Our List page component now looks like this.

  export let data;
  $: ({ todo, tags } = data);

<table cellspacing="10" cellpadding="10">
    {#each todos as t}
      <td>{ => tags[id].name).join(', ')}</td>

  th {
    text-align: left;

And this should render our to-do items!

Five to-do items in a table format.

Layout groups

Before we move on to the Details page and mutate data, let’s take a peek at a really neat SvelteKit feature: layout groups. We’ve already seen nested layouts for all admin pages, but what if we wanted to share a layout between arbitrary pages at the same level of our file system? In particular, what if we wanted to share a layout between only our List page and our Details page? We already have a global layout at that level. Instead, we can create a new directory, but with a name that’s in parenthesis, like this:

File directory.

We now have a layout group that covers our List and Details pages. I named it (todo-management) but you can name it anything you like. To be clear, this name will not affect the URLs of the pages inside of the layout group. The URLs will remain the same; layout groups allow you to add shared layouts to pages without them all comprising the entirety of a directory in routes.

We could add a +layout.svelte file and some silly <div> banner saying, “Hey we’re managing to-dos”. But let’s do something more interesting. Layouts can define load() functions in order to provide data for all routes underneath them. Let’s use this functionality to load our tags — since we’ll be using our tags in our details page — in addition to the list page we already have.

In reality, forcing a layout group just to provide a single piece of data is almost certainly not worth it; it’s better to duplicate that data in the load() function for each page. But for this post, it’ll provide the excuse we need to see a new SvelteKit feature!

First, let’s go into our list page’s +page.server.js file and remove the tags from it.

import { getTodos, getTags } from "$lib/data/todoData";

export function load() {
  const todos = getTodos();

  return {

Our List page should now produce an error since there is no tags object. Let’s fix this by adding a +layout.server.js file in our layout group, then define a load() function that loads our tags.

import { getTags } from "$lib/data/todoData";

export function load() {
  const tags = getTags();

  return {

And, just like that, our List page is rendering again!

We’re loading data from multiple locations

Let’s put a fine point on what’s happening here:

  • We defined a load() function for our layout group, which we put in +layout.server.js.
  • This provides data for all of the pages the layout serves — which in this case means our List and Details pages.
  • Our List page also defines a load() function that goes in its +page.server.js file.
  • SvelteKit does the grunt work of taking the results of these data sources, merging them together, and making both available in data.

Our Details page

We’ll use our Details page to edit a to-do item. First, let’s add a column to the table in our List page that links to the Details page with the to-do item’s ID in the query string.

<td><a href="/details?id={}">Edit</a></td>

Now let’s build out our Details page. First, we’ll add a loader to grab the to-do item we’re editing. Create a +page.server.js in /details, with this content:

import { getTodo, updateTodo, wait } from "$lib/data/todoData";

export function load({ url }) {
  const id = url.searchParams.get("id");

  const todo = getTodo(id);

  return {

Our loader comes with a url property from which we can pull query string values. This makes it easy to look up the to-do item we’re editing. Let’s render that to-do, along with functionality to edit it.

SvelteKit has wonderful built-in mutation capabilities, so long as you use forms. Remember forms? Here’s our Details page. I’ve elided the styles for brevity.

  import { enhance } from "$app/forms";

  export let data;

  $: ({ todo, tags } = data);
  $: currentTags = => tags[id]);

<form use:enhance method="post" action="?/editTodo">
  <input name="id" type="hidden" value="{}" />
  <input name="title" value="{todo.title}" />

    {#each currentTags as tag}
    <span style="{`color:" ${tag.color};`}>{}</span>


We’re grabbing the tags as before from our layout group’s loader and the to-do item from our page’s loader. We’re grabbing the actual tag objects from the to-do’s list of tag IDs and then rendering everything. We create a form with a hidden input for the ID and a real input for the title. We display the tags and then provide a button to submit the form.

If you noticed the use:enhance, that simply tells SvelteKit to use progressive enhancement and Ajax to submit our form. You’ll likely always use that.

How do we save our edits?

Notice the action="?/editTodo" attribute on the form itself? This tells us where we want to submit our edited data. For our case, we want to submit to an editTodo “action.”

Let’s create it by adding the following to the +page.server.js file we already have for Details (which currently has a load() function, to grab our to-do):

import { redirect } from "@sveltejs/kit";

// ...

export const actions = {
  async editTodo({ request }) {
    const formData = await request.formData();

    const id = formData.get("id");
    const newTitle = formData.get("title");

    await wait(250);
    updateTodo(id, newTitle);

    throw redirect(303, "/list");

Form actions give us a request object, which provides access to our formData, which has a get method for our various form fields. We added that hidden input for the ID value so we could grab it here in order to look up the to-do item we’re editing. We simulate a delay, call a new updateTodo() method, then redirect the user back to the /list page. The updateTodo() method merely updates our static data; in real life you’d run some sort of update in whatever datastore you’re using.

export async function updateTodo(id, newTitle) {
  const todo = todos.find(t => == id);
  Object.assign(todo, { title: newTitle });

Let’s try it out. We’ll go to the List page first:

List page with to-do-items.

Now let’s click the Edit button for one of the to-do items to bring up the editing page in /details.

Details page for a to-do item.

We’re going to add a new title:

Changing the to-do title in an editable text input.

Now, click Save. That should get us back to our /list page, with the new to-do title applied.

The edited to-do item in the full list view.

How did the new title show up like that? It was automatic. Once we redirected to the /list page, SvelteKit automatically re-ran all of our loaders just like it would have done regardless. This is the key advancement that next-gen application frameworks, like SvelteKit, Remix, and Next 13 provide. Rather than giving you a convenient way to render pages then wishing you the best of luck fetching whatever endpoints you might have to update data, they integrate data mutation alongside data loading, allowing the two to work in tandem.

A few things you might be wondering…

This mutation update doesn’t seem too impressive. The loaders will re-run whenever you navigate. What if we hadn’t added a redirect in our form action, but stayed on the current page? SvelteKit would perform the update in the form action, like before, but would still re-run all of the loaders for the current page, including the loaders in the page layout(s).

Can we have more targeted means of invalidating our data? For example, our tags were not edited, so in real life we wouldn’t want to re-query them. Yes, what I showed you is just the default forms behavior in SvelteKit. You can turn the default behavior off by providing a callback to use:enhance. Then SvelteKit provides manual invalidation functions.

Loading data on every navigation is potentially expensive, and unnecessary. Can I cache this data like I do with tools like react-query? Yes, just differently. SvelteKit lets you set (and then respect) the cache-control headers the web already provides. And I’ll be covering cache invalidation mechanisms in a follow-on post.

Everything we’ve done throughout this article uses static data and modifies values in memory. If you need to revert everything and start over, stop and restart the npm run dev Node process.

Wrapping up

We’ve barely scratched the surface of SvelteKit, but hopefully you’ve seen enough to get excited about it. I can’t remember the last time I’ve found web development this much fun. With things like bundling, routing, SSR, and deployment all handled out of the box, I get to spend more time coding than configuring.

Here are a few more resources you can use as next steps learning SvelteKit:

Getting Started With SvelteKit originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

]]> 3 376610
Using Web Components With Next (or Any SSR Framework) Wed, 05 Oct 2022 13:05:43 +0000 In my previous post we looked at Shoelace, which is a component library with a full suite of UX components that are beautiful, accessible, and — perhaps unexpectedly — built with Web Components. This means they can be used …

Using Web Components With Next (or Any SSR Framework) originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

In my previous post we looked at Shoelace, which is a component library with a full suite of UX components that are beautiful, accessible, and — perhaps unexpectedly — built with Web Components. This means they can be used with any JavaScript framework. While React’s Web Component interoperability is, at present, less than ideal, there are workarounds.

But one serious shortcoming of Web Components is their current lack of support for server-side rendering (SSR). There is something called the Declarative Shadow DOM (DSD) in the works, but current support for it is pretty minimal, and it actually requires buy-in from your web server to emit special markup for the DSD. There’s currently work being done for Next.js that I look forward to seeing. But for this post, we’ll look at how to manage Web Components from any SSR framework, like Next.js, today.

We’ll wind up doing a non-trivial amount of manual work, and slightly hurting our page’s startup performance in the process. We’ll then look at how to minimize these performance costs. But make no mistake: this solution is not without tradeoffs, so don’t expect otherwise. Always measure and profile.

The problem

Before we dive in, let’s take a moment and actually explain the problem. Why don’t Web Components work well with server-side rendering?

Application frameworks like Next.js take React code and run it through an API to essentially “stringify” it, meaning it turns your components into plain HTML. So the React component tree will render on the server hosting the web app, and that HTML will be sent down with the rest of the web app’s HTML document to your user’s browser. Along with this HTML are some <script> tags that load React, along with the code for all your React components. When a browser processes these <script> tags, React will re-render the component tree, and match things up with the SSR’d HTML that was sent down. At this point, all of the effects will start running, the event handlers will wire up, and the state will actually… contain state. It’s at this point that the web app becomes interactive. The process of re-processing your component tree on the client, and wiring everything up is called hydration.

So, what does this have to do with Web Components? Well, when you render something, say the same Shoelace <sl-tab-group> component we visited last time:

<sl-tab-group ref="{tabsRef}">
  <sl-tab slot="nav" panel="general"> General </sl-tab>
  <sl-tab slot="nav" panel="custom"> Custom </sl-tab>
  <sl-tab slot="nav" panel="advanced"> Advanced </sl-tab>
  <sl-tab slot="nav" panel="disabled" disabled> Disabled </sl-tab>

  <sl-tab-panel name="general">This is the general tab panel.</sl-tab-panel>
  <sl-tab-panel name="custom">This is the custom tab panel.</sl-tab-panel>
  <sl-tab-panel name="advanced">This is the advanced tab panel.</sl-tab-panel>
  <sl-tab-panel name="disabled">This is a disabled tab panel.</sl-tab-panel>

…React (or honestly any JavaScript framework) will see those tags and simply pass them along. React (or Svelte, or Solid) are not responsible for turning those tags into nicely-formatted tabs. The code for that is tucked away inside of whatever code you have that defines those Web Components. In our case, that code is in the Shoelace library, but the code can be anywhere. What’s important is when the code runs.

Normally, the code registering these Web Components will be pulled into your application’s normal code via a JavaScript import. That means this code will wind up in your JavaScript bundle and execute during hydration which means that, between your user first seeing the SSR’d HTML and hydration happening, these tabs (or any Web Component for that matter) will not render the correct content. Then, when hydration happens, the proper content will display, likely causing the content around these Web Components to move around and fit the properly formatted content. This is known as a flash of unstyled content, or FOUC. In theory, you could stick markup in between all of those <sl-tab-xyz> tags to match the finished output, but this is all but impossible in practice, especially for a third-party component library like Shoelace.

Moving our Web Component registration code

So the problem is that the code to make Web Components do what they need to do won’t actually run until hydration occurs. For this post, we’ll look at running that code sooner; immediately, in fact. We’ll look at custom bundling our Web Component code, and manually adding a script directly to our document’s <head> so it runs immediately, and blocks the rest of the document until it does. This is normally a terrible thing to do. The whole point of server-side rendering is to not block our page from processing until our JavaScript has processed. But once done, it means that, as the document is initially rendering our HTML from the server, the Web Components will be registered and will both immediately and synchronously emit the right content.

In our case, we’re just looking to run our Web Component registration code in a blocking script. This code isn’t huge, and we’ll look to significantly lessen the performance hit by adding some cache headers to help with subsequent visits. This isn’t a perfect solution. The first time a user browses your page will always block while that script file is loaded. Subsequent visits will cache nicely, but this tradeoff might not be feasible for you — e-commerce, anyone? Anyway, profile, measure, and make the right decision for your app. Besides, in the future it’s entirely possible Next.js will fully support DSD and Web Components.

Getting started

All of the code we’ll be looking at is in this GitHub repo and deployed here with Vercel. The web app renders some Shoelace components along with text that changes color and content upon hydration. You should be able to see the text change to “Hydrated,” with the Shoelace components already rendering properly.

Custom bundling Web Component code

Our first step is to create a single JavaScript module that imports all of our Web Component definitions. For the Shoelace components I’m using, my code looks like this:

import { setDefaultAnimation } from "@shoelace-style/shoelace/dist/utilities/animation-registry";

import "@shoelace-style/shoelace/dist/components/tab/tab.js";
import "@shoelace-style/shoelace/dist/components/tab-panel/tab-panel.js";
import "@shoelace-style/shoelace/dist/components/tab-group/tab-group.js";

import "@shoelace-style/shoelace/dist/components/dialog/dialog.js";

setDefaultAnimation("", {
  keyframes: [
    { opacity: 0, transform: "translate3d(0px, -20px, 0px)" },
    { opacity: 1, transform: "translate3d(0px, 0px, 0px)" },
  options: { duration: 250, easing: "cubic-bezier(0.785, 0.135, 0.150, 0.860)" },
setDefaultAnimation("dialog.hide", {
  keyframes: [
    { opacity: 1, transform: "translate3d(0px, 0px, 0px)" },
    { opacity: 0, transform: "translate3d(0px, 20px, 0px)" },
  options: { duration: 250, easing: "cubic-bezier(0.785, 0.135, 0.150, 0.860)" },

It loads the definitions for the <sl-tab-group> and <sl-dialog> components, and overrides some default animations for the dialog. Simple enough. But the interesting piece here is getting this code into our application. We cannot simply import this module. If we did that, it’d get bundled into our normal JavaScript bundles and run during hydration. This would cause the FOUC we’re trying to avoid.

While Next.js does have a number of webpack hooks to custom bundle things, I’ll use Vite instead. First, install it with npm i vite and then create a vite.config.js file. Mine looks like this:

import { defineConfig } from "vite";
import path from "path";

export default defineConfig({
  build: {
    outDir: path.join(__dirname, "./shoelace-dir"),
    lib: {
      name: "shoelace",
      entry: "./src/shoelace-bundle.js",
      formats: ["umd"],
      fileName: () => "shoelace-bundle.js",
    rollupOptions: {
      output: {
        entryFileNames: `[name]-[hash].js`,

This will build a bundle file with our Web Component definitions in the shoelace-dir folder. Let’s move it over to the public folder so that Next.js will serve it. And we should also keep track of the exact name of the file, with the hash on the end of it. Here’s a Node script that moves the file and writes a JavaScript module that exports a simple constant with the name of the bundle file (this will come in handy shortly):

const fs = require("fs");
const path = require("path");

const shoelaceOutputPath = path.join(process.cwd(), "shoelace-dir");
const publicShoelacePath = path.join(process.cwd(), "public", "shoelace");

const files = fs.readdirSync(shoelaceOutputPath);

const shoelaceBundleFile = files.find(name => /^shoelace-bundle/.test(name));

fs.rmSync(publicShoelacePath, { force: true, recursive: true });

fs.mkdirSync(publicShoelacePath, { recursive: true });
fs.renameSync(path.join(shoelaceOutputPath, shoelaceBundleFile), path.join(publicShoelacePath, shoelaceBundleFile));
fs.rmSync(shoelaceOutputPath, { force: true, recursive: true });

fs.writeFileSync(path.join(process.cwd(), "util", "shoelace-bundle-info.js"), `export const shoelacePath = "/shoelace/${shoelaceBundleFile}";`);

Here’s a companion npm script:

"bundle-shoelace": "vite build && node util/process-shoelace-bundle",

That should work. For me, util/shoelace-bundle-info.js now exists, and looks like this:

export const shoelacePath = "/shoelace/shoelace-bundle-a6f19317.js";

Loading the script

Let’s go into the Next.js \_document.js file and pull in the name of our Web Component bundle file:

import { shoelacePath } from "../util/shoelace-bundle-info";

Then we manually render a <script> tag in the <head>. Here’s what my entire _document.js file looks like:

import { Html, Head, Main, NextScript } from "next/document";
import { shoelacePath } from "../util/shoelace-bundle-info";

export default function Document() {
  return (
        <script src={shoelacePath}></script>
        <Main />
        <NextScript />

And that should work! Our Shoelace registration will load in a blocking script and be available immediately as our page processes the initial HTML.

Improving performance

We could leave things as they are but let’s add caching for our Shoelace bundle. We’ll tell Next.js to make these Shoelace bundles cacheable by adding the following entry to our Next.js config file:

async headers() {
  return [
      source: "/shoelace/shoelace-bundle-:hash.js",
      headers: [
          key: "Cache-Control",
          value: "public,max-age=31536000,immutable",

Now, on subsequent browses to our site, we see the Shoelace bundle caching nicely!

DevTools Sources panel open and showing the loaded Shoelace bundle.

If our Shoelace bundle ever changes, the file name will change (via the :hash portion from the source property above), the browser will find that it does not have that file cached, and will simply request it fresh from the network.

Wrapping up

This may have seemed like a lot of manual work; and it was. It’s unfortunate Web Components don’t offer better out-of-the-box support for server-side rendering.

But we shouldn’t forget the benefits they provide: it’s nice being able to use quality UX components that aren’t tied to a specific framework. It’s aldo nice being able to experiment with brand new frameworks, like Solid, without needing to find (or hack together) some sort of tab, modal, autocomplete, or whatever component.

Using Web Components With Next (or Any SSR Framework) originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

]]> 0 373787
Introducing Shoelace, a Framework-Independent Component-Based UX Library Tue, 04 Oct 2022 13:01:53 +0000 This is a post about Shoelace, a component library by Cory LaViska, but with a twist. It defines all your standard UX components: tabs, modals, accordions, auto-completes, and much, much more. They look beautiful out of the …

Introducing Shoelace, a Framework-Independent Component-Based UX Library originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

This is a post about Shoelace, a component library by Cory LaViska, but with a twist. It defines all your standard UX components: tabs, modals, accordions, auto-completes, and much, much more. They look beautiful out of the box, are accessible, and fully customizable. But rather than creating these components in React, or Solid, or Svelte, etc., it creates them with Web Components; this means you can use them with any framework.

Some preliminary things

Web Components are great, but there’s currently a few small hitches to be aware of.


I said they work in any JavaScript framework, but as I’ve written before, React’s support for Web Components is currently poor. To address this, Shoelace actually created wrappers just for React.

Another option, which I personally like, is to create a thin React component that accepts the tag name of a Web Component and all of its attributes and properties, then does the dirty work of handling React’s shortcomings. I talked about this option in a previous post. I like this solution because it’s designed to be deleted. The Web Component interoperability problem is currently fixed in React’s experimental branch, so once that’s shipped, any thin Web Component-interoperable component you’re using could be searched, and removed, leaving you with direct Web Component usages, without any React wrappers.

Server-Side Rendering (SSR)

Support for SSR is also poor at the time of this writing. In theory, there’s something called Declarative Shadow DOM (DSD) which would enable SSR. But browser support is minimal, and in any event, DSD actually requires server support to work right, which means Next, Remix, or whatever you happen to use on the server will need to become capable of some special handling.

That said, there are other ways to get Web Components to just work with a web app that’s SSR’d with something like Next. The short version is that the scripts registering your Web Components need to run in a blocking script before your markup is parsed. But that’s a topic for another post.

Of course, if you’re building any kind of client-rendered SPA, this is a non-issue. This is what we’ll work with in this post.

Let’s start

Since I want this post to focus on Shoelace and on its Web Component nature, I’ll be using Svelte for everything. I’ll also be using this Stackblitz project for demonstration. We’ll build this demo together, step-by-step, but feel free to open that REPL up anytime to see the end result.

I’ll show you how to use Shoelace, and more importantly, how to customize it. We’ll talk about Shadow DOMs and which styles they block from the outside world (as well as which ones they don’t). We’ll also talk about the ::part CSS selector — which may be entirely new to you — and we’ll even see how Shoelace allows us to override and customize its various animations.

If you find you like Shoelace after reading this post and want to try it in a React project, my advice is to use a wrapper like I mentioned in the introduction. This will allow you to use any of Shoelace’s components, and it can be removed altogether once React ships the Web Component fixes they already have (look for that in version 19).

Introducing Shoelace

Shoelace has fairly detailed installation instructions. At its most simple, you can dump <script> and <style> tags into your HTML doc, and that’s that. For any production app, though, you’ll probably want to selectively import only what you want, and there are instructions for that, too.

With Shoelace installed, let’s create a Svelte component to render some content, and then go through the steps to fully customize it. To pick something fairly non-trivial, I went with the tabs and a dialog (commonly referred to as a modal) components. Here’s some markup taken largely from the docs:

  <sl-tab slot="nav" panel="general">General</sl-tab>
  <sl-tab slot="nav" panel="custom">Custom</sl-tab>
  <sl-tab slot="nav" panel="advanced">Advanced</sl-tab>
  <sl-tab slot="nav" panel="disabled" disabled>Disabled</sl-tab>

  <sl-tab-panel name="general">This is the general tab panel.</sl-tab-panel>
  <sl-tab-panel name="custom">This is the custom tab panel.</sl-tab-panel>
  <sl-tab-panel name="advanced">This is the advanced tab panel.</sl-tab-panel>
  <sl-tab-panel name="disabled">This is a disabled tab panel.</sl-tab-panel>

<sl-dialog no-header label="Dialog">
  Hello World!
  <button slot="footer" variant="primary">Close</button>

<br />
<button>Open Dialog</button>

This renders some nice, styled tabs. The underline on the active tab even animates nicely, and slides from one active tab to the next.

Four horizontal tab headings with the first active in blue with placeholder content contained in a panel below.
Default tabs in Shoelace

I won’t waste your time running through every inch of the APIs that are already well-documented on the Shoelace website. Instead, let’s look into how best to interact with, and fully customize these Web Components.

Interacting with the API: methods and events

Calling methods and subscribing to events on a Web Component might be slightly different than what you’re used to with your normal framework of choice, but it’s not too complicated. Let’s see how.


The tabs component (<sl-tab-group>) has a show method, which manually shows a particular tab. In order to call this, we need to get access to the underlying DOM element of our tabs. In Svelte, that means using bind:this. In React, it’d be a ref. And so on. Since we’re using Svelte, let’s declare a variable for our tabs instance:

  let tabs;

…and bind it:

<sl-tab-group bind:this="{tabs}"></sl-tab-group>

Now we can add a button to call it:

<button on:click={() =>"custom")}>Show custom</button>

It’s the same idea for events. There’s a sl-tab-show event that fires when a new tab is shown. We could use addEventListener on our tabs variable, or we can use Svelte’s on:event-name shortcut.

<sl-tab-group bind:this={tabs} on:sl-tab-show={e => console.log(e)}>

That works and logs the event objects as you show different tabs.

Event object meta shown in DevTools.

Typically we render tabs and let the user click between them, so this work isn’t usually even necessary, but it’s there if you need it. Now let’s get the dialog component interactive.


The dialog component (<sl-dialog>) takes an open prop which controls whether the dialog is… open. Let’s declare it in our Svelte component:

  let tabs;
  let open = false;

It also has an sl-hide event for when the dialog is hidden. Let’s pass our open prop and bind to the hide event so we can reset it when the user clicks outside of the dialog content to close it. And let’s add a click handler to that close button to set our open prop to false, which would also close the dialog.

<sl-dialog no-header {open} label="Dialog" on:sl-hide={() => open = false}>
  Hello World!
  <button slot="footer" variant="primary" on:click={() => open = false}>Close</button>

Lastly, let’s wire up our open dialog button:

<button on:click={() => (open = true)}>Open Dialog</button>

And that’s that. Interacting with a component library’s API is more or less straightforward. If that’s all this post did, it would be pretty boring.

But Shoelace — being built with Web Components — means that some things, particularly styles, will work a bit differently than we might be used to.

Customize all the styles!

As of this writing, Shoelace is still in beta and the creator is considering changing some default styles, possibly even removing some defaults altogether so they’ll no longer override your host application’s styles. The concepts we’ll cover are relevant either way, but don’t be surprised if some of the Shoelace specifics I mention are different when you go to use it.

As nice as Shoelace’s default styles are, we might have our own designs in our web app, and we’ll want our UX components to match. Let’s see how we’d go about that in a Web Components world.

We won’t try to actually improve anything. The Shoelace creator is a far better designer than I’ll ever be. Instead, we’ll just look at how to change things, so you can adapt to your own web apps.

A quick tour of Shadow DOMs

Take a peek at one of those tab headers in your DevTools; it should look something like this:

The tabs component markup shown in DevTools.

Our tab element has created a div container with a .tab and .tab--active class, and a tabindex, while also displaying the text we entered for that tab. But notice that it’s sitting inside of a shadow root. This allows Web Component authors to add their own markup to the Web Component while also providing a place for the content we provide. Notice the <slot> element? That basically means “put whatever content the user rendered between the Web Component tags here.”

So the <sl-tab> component creates a shadow root, adds some content to it to render the nicely-styled tab header along with a placeholder (<slot>) that renders our content inside.

Encapsulated styles

One of the classic, more frustrating problems in web development has always been styles cascading to places where we don’t want them. You might worry that any style rules in our application which specify something like would interfere with these tabs. It turns out this isn’t a problem; shadow roots encapsulate styles. Styles from outside the shadow root do not affect what’s inside the shadow root (with some exceptions which we’ll talk about), and vice versa.

The exceptions to this are inheritable styles. You, of course, don’t need to apply a font-family style for every element in your web app. Instead, you can specify your font-family once, on :root or html and have it inherit everywhere beneath it. This inheritance will, in fact, pierce the shadow root as well.

CSS custom properties (often called “css variables”) are a related exception. A shadow root can absolutely read a CSS property that is defined outside the shadow root; this will become relevant in a moment.

The ::part selector

What about styles that don’t inherit. What if we want to customize something like cursor, which doesn’t inherit, on something inside of the shadow root. Are we out of luck? It turns out we’re not. Take another look at the tab element image above and its shadow root. Notice the part attribute on the div? That allows you to target and style that element from outside the shadow root using the ::part selector. We’ll walk through an example is a bit.

Overriding Shoelace styles

Let’s see each of these approaches in action. As of now, a lot of Shoelace styles, including fonts, receive default values from CSS custom properties. To align those fonts with your application’s styles, override the custom props in question. See the docs for info on which CSS variables Shoelace is using, or you can simply inspect the styles in any given element in DevTools.

Inheriting styles through the shadow root

Open the app.css file in the src directory of the StackBlitz project. In the :root section at the bottom, you should see a letter-spacing: normal; declaration. Since the letter-spacing property is inheritable, try setting a new value, like 2px. On save, all content, including the tab headers defined in the shadow root, will adjust accordingly.

Four horizontal tab headers with the first active in blue with plqceholder content contained in a panel below. The text is slightly stretched with letter spacing.

Overwriting Shoelace CSS variables

The <sl-tab-group> component reads an --indicator-color CSS custom property for the active tab’s underline. We can override this with some basic CSS:

sl-tab-group {
  --indicator-color: green;

And just like that, we now have a green indicator!

Four horizontal tab headers with the first active with blue text and a green underline.

Querying parts

In the version of Shoelace I’m using right now (2.0.0-beta.83), any non-disabled tab has a pointer cursor. Let’s change that to a default cursor for the active (selected) tab. We already saw that the <sl-tab> element adds a part="base" attribute on the container for the tab header. Also, the currently selected tab receives an active attribute. Let’s use these facts to target the active tab, and change the cursor:

sl-tab[active]::part(base) {
  cursor: default;

And that’s that!

Customizing animations

For some icing on the metaphorical cake, let’s see how Shoelace allows us to customize animations. Shoelace uses the Web Animations API, and exposes a setDefaultAnimation API to control how different elements animate their various interactions. See the docs for specifics, but as an example, here’s how you might change Shoelace’s default dialog animation from expanding outward, and shrinking inward, to instead animate in from the top, and drop down while hiding.

import { setDefaultAnimation } from "@shoelace-style/shoelace/dist/utilities/animation-registry";

setDefaultAnimation("", {
  keyframes: [
    { opacity: 0, transform: "translate3d(0px, -20px, 0px)" },
    { opacity: 1, transform: "translate3d(0px, 0px, 0px)" },
  options: { duration: 250, easing: "cubic-bezier(0.785, 0.135, 0.150, 0.860)" },
setDefaultAnimation("dialog.hide", {
  keyframes: [
    { opacity: 1, transform: "translate3d(0px, 0px, 0px)" },
    { opacity: 0, transform: "translate3d(0px, 20px, 0px)" },
  options: { duration: 200, easing: "cubic-bezier(0.785, 0.135, 0.150, 0.860)" },

That code is in the App.svelte file. Comment it out to see the original, default animation.

Wrapping up

Shoelace is an incredibly ambitious component library that’s built with Web Components. Since Web Components are framework-independent, they can be used in any project, with any framework. With new frameworks starting to come out with both amazing performance characteristics, and also ease of use, the ability to use quality user experience widgets which aren’t tied to any one framework has never been more compelling.

Introducing Shoelace, a Framework-Independent Component-Based UX Library originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

]]> 0 373703
Building Interoperable Web Components That Even Work With React Tue, 07 Jun 2022 13:57:57 +0000 Those of us who’ve been web developers more than a few years have probably written code using more than one JavaScript framework. With all the choices out there — React, Svelte, Vue, Angular, Solid — it’s all but inevitable. One …

Building Interoperable Web Components That Even Work With React originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

Those of us who’ve been web developers more than a few years have probably written code using more than one JavaScript framework. With all the choices out there — React, Svelte, Vue, Angular, Solid — it’s all but inevitable. One of the more frustrating things we have to deal with when working across frameworks is re-creating all those low-level UI components: buttons, tabs, dropdowns, etc. What’s particularly frustrating is that we’ll typically have them defined in one framework, say React, but then need to rewrite them if we want to build something in Svelte. Or Vue. Or Solid. And so on.

Wouldn’t it be better if we could define these low-level UI components once, in a framework-agnostic way, and then re-use them between frameworks? Of course it would! And we can; web components are the way. This post will show you how.

As of now, the SSR story for web components is a bit lacking. Declarative shadow DOM (DSD) is how a web component is server-side rendered, but, as of this writing, it’s not integrated with your favorite application frameworks like Next, Remix or SvelteKit. If that’s a requirement for you, be sure to check the latest status of DSD. But otherwise, if SSR isn’t something you’re using, read on.

First, some context

Web Components are essentially HTML elements that you define yourself, like <yummy-pizza> or whatever, from the ground up. They’re covered all over here at CSS-Tricks (including an extensive series by Caleb Williams and one by John Rhea) but we’ll briefly walk through the process. Essentially, you define a JavaScript class, inherit it from HTMLElement, and then define whatever properties, attributes and styles the web component has and, of course, the markup it will ultimately render to your users.

Being able to define custom HTML elements that aren’t bound to any particular component is exciting. But this freedom is also a limitation. Existing independently of any JavaScript framework means you can’t really interact with those JavaScript frameworks. Think of a React component which fetches some data and then renders some other React component, passing along the data. This wouldn’t really work as a web component, since a web component doesn’t know how to render a React component.

Web components particularly excel as leaf components. Leaf components are the last thing to be rendered in a component tree. These are the components which receive some props, and render some UI. These are not the components sitting in the middle of your component tree, passing data along, setting context, etc. — just pure pieces of UI that will look the same, no matter which JavaScript framework is powering the rest of the app.

The web component we’re building

Rather than build something boring (and common), like a button, let’s build something a little bit different. In my last post we looked at using blurry image previews to prevent content reflow, and provide a decent UI for users while our images load. We looked at base64 encoding a blurry, degraded versions of our images, and showing that in our UI while the real image loaded. We also looked at generating incredibly compact, blurry previews using a tool called Blurhash.

That post showed you how to generate those previews and use them in a React project. This post will show you how to use those previews from a web component so they can be used by any JavaScript framework.

But we need to walk before we can run, so we’ll walk through something trivial and silly first to see exactly how web components work.

Everything in this post will build vanilla web components without any tooling. That means the code will have a bit of boilerplate, but should be relatively easy to follow. Tools like Lit or Stencil are designed for building web components and can be used to remove much of this boilerplate. I urge you to check them out! But for this post, I’ll prefer a little more boilerplate in exchange for not having to introduce and teach another dependency.

A simple counter component

Let’s build the classic “Hello World” of JavaScript components: a counter. We’ll render a value, and a button that increments that value. Simple and boring, but it’ll let us look at the simplest possible web component.

In order to build a web component, the first step is to make a JavaScript class, which inherits from HTMLElement:

class Counter extends HTMLElement {}

The last step is to register the web component, but only if we haven’t registered it already:

if (!customElements.get("counter-wc")) {
  customElements.define("counter-wc", Counter);

And, of course, render it:


And everything in between is us making the web component do whatever we want it to. One common lifecycle method is connectedCallback, which fires when our web component is added to the DOM. We could use that method to render whatever content we’d like. Remember, this is a JS class inheriting from HTMLElement, which means our this value is the web component element itself, with all the normal DOM manipulation methods you already know and love.

At it’s most simple, we could do this:

class Counter extends HTMLElement {
  connectedCallback() {
    this.innerHTML = "<div style='color: green'>Hey</div>";

if (!customElements.get("counter-wc")) {
  customElements.define("counter-wc", Counter);

…which will work just fine.

The word "hey" in green.

Adding real content

Let’s add some useful, interactive content. We need a <span> to hold the current number value and a <button> to increment the counter. For now, we’ll create this content in our constructor and append it when the web component is actually in the DOM:

constructor() {
  const container = document.createElement('div');

  this.valSpan = document.createElement('span');

  const increment = document.createElement('button');
  increment.innerText = 'Increment';
  increment.addEventListener('click', () => {
    this.#value = this.#currentValue + 1;


  this.container = container;

connectedCallback() {

If you’re really grossed out by the manual DOM creation, remember you can set innerHTML, or even create a template element once as a static property of your web component class, clone it, and insert the contents for new web component instances. There’s probably some other options I’m not thinking of, or you can always use a web component framework like Lit or Stencil. But for this post, we’ll continue to keep it simple.

Moving on, we need a settable JavaScript class property named value

#currentValue = 0;

set #value(val) {
  this.#currentValue = val;

It’s just a standard class property with a setter, along with a second property to hold the value. One fun twist is that I’m using the private JavaScript class property syntax for these values. That means nobody outside our web component can ever touch these values. This is standard JavaScript that’s supported in all modern browsers, so don’t be afraid to use it.

Or feel free to call it _value if you prefer. And, lastly, our update method:

update() {
  this.valSpan.innerText = this.#currentValue;

It works!

The counter web component.

Obviously this is not code you’d want to maintain at scale. Here’s a full working example if you’d like a closer look. As I’ve said, tools like Lit and Stencil are designed to make this simpler.

Adding some more functionality

This post is not a deep dive into web components. We won’t cover all the APIs and lifecycles; we won’t even cover shadow roots or slots. There’s endless content on those topics. My goal here is to provide a decent enough introduction to spark some interest, along with some useful guidance on actually using web components with the popular JavaScript frameworks you already know and love.

To that end, let’s enhance our counter web component a bit. Let’s have it accept a color attribute, to control the color of the value that’s displayed. And let’s also have it accept an increment property, so consumers of this web component can have it increment by 2, 3, 4 at a time. And to drive these state changes, let’s use our new counter in a Svelte sandbox — we’ll get to React in a bit.

We’ll start with the same web component as before and add a color attribute. To configure our web component to accept and respond to an attribute, we add a static observedAttributes property that returns the attributes that our web component listens for.

static observedAttributes = ["color"];

With that in place, we can add a attributeChangedCallback lifecycle method, which will run whenever any of the attributes listed in observedAttributes are set, or updated.

attributeChangedCallback(name, oldValue, newValue) {
  if (name === "color") {

Now we update our update method to actually use it:

update() {
  this.valSpan.innerText = this._currentValue; = this.getAttribute("color") || "black";

Lastly, let’s add our increment property:

increment = 1;

Simple and humble.

Using the counter component in Svelte

Let’s use what we just made. We’ll go into our Svelte app component and add something like this:

  let color = "red";

  main {
    text-align: center;

  <select bind:value={color}>
    <option value="red">Red</option>
    <option value="green">Green</option>
    <option value="blue">Blue</option>

  <counter-wc color={color}></counter-wc>

And it works! Our counter renders, increments, and the dropdown updates the color. As you can see, we render the color attribute in our Svelte template and, when the value changes, Svelte handles the legwork of calling setAttribute on our underlying web component instance. There’s nothing special here: this is the same thing it already does for the attributes of any HTML element.

Things get a little bit interesting with the increment prop. This is not an attribute on our web component; it’s a prop on the web component’s class. That means it needs to be set on the web component’s instance. Bear with me, as things will wind up much simpler in a bit.

First, we’ll add some variables to our Svelte component:

let increment = 1;
let wcInstance;

Our powerhouse of a counter component will let you increment by 1, or by 2:

<button on:click={() => increment = 1}>Increment 1</button>
<button on:click={() => increment = 2}>Increment 2</button>

But, in theory, we need to get the actual instance of our web component. This is the same thing we always do anytime we add a ref with React. With Svelte, it’s a simple bind:this directive:

<counter-wc bind:this={wcInstance} color={color}></counter-wc>

Now, in our Svelte template, we listen for changes to our component’s increment variable and set the underlying web component property.

$: {
  if (wcInstance) {
    wcInstance.increment = increment;

You can test it out over at this live demo.

We obviously don’t want to do this for every web component or prop we need to manage. Wouldn’t it be nice if we could just set increment right on our web component, in markup, like we normally do for component props, and have it, you know, just work? In other words, it’d be nice if we could delete all usages of wcInstance and use this simpler code instead:

<counter-wc increment={increment} color={color}></counter-wc>

It turns out we can. This code works; Svelte handles all that legwork for us. Check it out in this demo. This is standard behavior for pretty much all JavaScript frameworks.

So why did I show you the manual way of setting the web component’s prop? Two reasons: it’s useful to understand how these things work and, a moment ago, I said this works for “pretty much” all JavaScript frameworks. But there’s one framework which, maddeningly, does not support web component prop setting like we just saw.

React is a different beast

React. The most popular JavaScript framework on the planet does not support basic interop with web components. This is a well-known problem that’s unique to React. Interestingly, this is actually fixed in React’s experimental branch, but for some reason wasn’t merged into version 18. That said, we can still track the progress of it. And you can try this yourself with a live demo.

The solution, of course, is to use a ref, grab the web component instance, and manually set increment when that value changes. It looks like this:

import React, { useState, useRef, useEffect } from 'react';
import './counter-wc';

export default function App() {
  const [increment, setIncrement] = useState(1);
  const [color, setColor] = useState('red');
  const wcRef = useRef(null);

  useEffect(() => {
    wcRef.current.increment = increment;
  }, [increment]);

  return (
      <div className="increment-container">
        <button onClick={() => setIncrement(1)}>Increment by 1</button>
        <button onClick={() => setIncrement(2)}>Increment by 2</button>

      <select value={color} onChange={(e) => setColor(}>
        <option value="red">Red</option>
        <option value="green">Green</option>
        <option value="blue">Blue</option>

      <counter-wc ref={wcRef} increment={increment} color={color}></counter-wc>

As we discussed, coding this up manually for every web component property is simply not scalable. But all is not lost because we have a couple of options.

Option 1: Use attributes everywhere

We have attributes. If you clicked the React demo above, the increment prop wasn’t working, but the color correctly changed. Can’t we code everything with attributes? Sadly, no. Attribute values can only be strings. That’s good enough here, and we’d be able to get somewhat far with this approach. Numbers like increment can be converted to and from strings. We could even JSON stringify/parse objects. But eventually we’ll need to pass a function into a web component, and at that point we’d be out of options.

Option 2: Wrap it

There’s an old saying that you can solve any problem in computer science by adding a level of indirection (except the problem of too many levels of indirection). The code to set these props is pretty predictable and simple. What if we hide it in a library? The smart folks behind Lit have one solution. This library creates a new React component for you after you give it a web component, and list out the properties it needs. While clever, I’m not a fan of this approach.

Rather than have a one-to-one mapping of web components to manually-created React components, what I prefer is just one React component that we pass our web component tag name to (counter-wc in our case) — along with all the attributes and properties — and for this component to render our web component, add the ref, then figure out what is a prop and what is an attribute. That’s the ideal solution in my opinion. I don’t know of a library that does this, but it should be straightforward to create. Let’s give it a shot!

This is the usage we’re looking for:

<WcWrapper wcTag="counter-wc" increment={increment} color={color} />

wcTag is the web component tag name; the rest are the properties and attributes we want passed along.

Here’s what my implementation looks like:

import React, { createElement, useRef, useLayoutEffect, memo } from 'react';

const _WcWrapper = (props) => {
  const { wcTag, children, ...restProps } = props;
  const wcRef = useRef(null);

  useLayoutEffect(() => {
    const wc = wcRef.current;

    for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(restProps)) {
      if (key in wc) {
        if (wc[key] !== value) {
          wc[key] = value;
      } else {
        if (wc.getAttribute(key) !== value) {
          wc.setAttribute(key, value);

  return createElement(wcTag, { ref: wcRef });

export const WcWrapper = memo(_WcWrapper);

The most interesting line is at the end:

return createElement(wcTag, { ref: wcRef });

This is how we create an element in React with a dynamic name. In fact, this is what React normally transpiles JSX into. All our divs are converted to createElement("div") calls. We don’t normally need to call this API directly but it’s there when we need it.

Beyond that, we want to run a layout effect and loop through every prop that we’ve passed to our component. We loop through all of them and check to see if it’s a property with an in check that checks the web component instance object as well as its prototype chain, which will catch any getters/setters that wind up on the class prototype. If no such property exists, it’s assumed to be an attribute. In either case, we only set it if the value has actually changed.

If you’re wondering why we use useLayoutEffect instead of useEffect, it’s because we want to immediately run these updates before our content is rendered. Also, note that we have no dependency array to our useLayoutEffect; this means we want to run this update on every render. This can be risky since React tends to re-render a lot. I ameliorate this by wrapping the whole thing in React.memo. This is essentially the modern version of React.PureComponent, which means the component will only re-render if any of its actual props have changed — and it checks whether that’s happened via a simple equality check.

The only risk here is that if you’re passing an object prop that you’re mutating directly without re-assigning, then you won’t see the updates. But this is highly discouraged, especially in the React community, so I wouldn’t worry about it.

Before moving on, I’d like to call out one last thing. You might not be happy with how the usage looks. Again, this component is used like this:

<WcWrapper wcTag="counter-wc" increment={increment} color={color} />

Specifically, you might not like passing the web component tag name to the <WcWrapper> component and prefer instead the @lit-labs/react package above, which creates a new individual React component for each web component. That’s totally fair and I’d encourage you to use whatever you’re most comfortable with. But for me, one advantage with this approach is that it’s easy to delete. If by some miracle React merges proper web component handling from their experimental branch into main tomorrow, you’d be able to change the above code from this:

<WcWrapper wcTag="counter-wc" increment={increment} color={color} />

…to this:

<counter-wc ref={wcRef} increment={increment} color={color} />

You could probably even write a single codemod to do that everywhere, and then delete <WcWrapper> altogether. Actually, scratch that: a global search and replace with a RegEx would probably work.

The implementation

I know, it seems like it took a journey to get here. If you recall, our original goal was to take the image preview code we looked at in my last post, and move it to a web component so it can be used in any JavaScript framework. React’s lack of proper interop added a lot of detail to the mix. But now that we have a decent handle on how to create a web component, and use it, the implementation will almost be anti-climactic.

I’ll drop the entire web component here and call out some of the interesting bits. If you’d like to see it in action, here’s a working demo. It’ll switch between my three favorite books on my three favorite programming languages. The URL for each book will be unique each time, so you can see the preview, though you’ll likely want to throttle things in your DevTools Network tab to really see things taking place.

View entire code
class BookCover extends HTMLElement {
  static observedAttributes = ['url'];

  attributeChangedCallback(name, oldValue, newValue) {
    if (name === 'url') {

  set preview(val) {
    this.previewEl = this.createPreview(val);

  createPreview(val) {
    if (typeof val === 'string') {
      return base64Preview(val);
    } else {
      return blurHashPreview(val);

  createMainImage(url) {
    this.loaded = false;
    const img = document.createElement('img');
    img.alt = 'Book cover';
    img.addEventListener('load', () =&gt; {
      if (img === this.imageEl) {
        this.loaded = true;
    img.src = url;
    this.imageEl = img;

  connectedCallback() {

  render() {
    const elementMaybe = this.loaded ? this.imageEl : this.previewEl;
    syncSingleChild(this, elementMaybe);

First, we register the attribute we’re interested in and react when it changes:

static observedAttributes = ['url'];

attributeChangedCallback(name, oldValue, newValue) {
  if (name === 'url') {

This causes our image component to be created, which will show only when loaded:

createMainImage(url) {
  this.loaded = false;
  const img = document.createElement('img');
  img.alt = 'Book cover';
  img.addEventListener('load', () => {
    if (img === this.imageEl) {
      this.loaded = true;
  img.src = url;
  this.imageEl = img;

Next we have our preview property, which can either be our base64 preview string, or our blurhash packet:

set preview(val) {
  this.previewEl = this.createPreview(val);

createPreview(val) {
  if (typeof val === 'string') {
    return base64Preview(val);
  } else {
    return blurHashPreview(val);

This defers to whichever helper function we need:

function base64Preview(val) {
  const img = document.createElement('img');
  img.src = val;
  return img;

function blurHashPreview(preview) {
  const canvasEl = document.createElement('canvas');
  const { w: width, h: height } = preview;

  canvasEl.width = width;
  canvasEl.height = height;

  const pixels = decode(preview.blurhash, width, height);
  const ctx = canvasEl.getContext('2d');
  const imageData = ctx.createImageData(width, height);;
  ctx.putImageData(imageData, 0, 0);

  return canvasEl;

And, lastly, our render method:

connectedCallback() {

render() {
  const elementMaybe = this.loaded ? this.imageEl : this.previewEl;
  syncSingleChild(this, elementMaybe);

And a few helpers methods to tie everything together:

export function syncSingleChild(container, child) {
  const currentChild = container.firstElementChild;
  if (currentChild !== child) {
    if (child) {

export function clearContainer(el) {
  let child;

  while ((child = el.firstElementChild)) {

It’s a little bit more boilerplate than we’d need if we build this in a framework, but the upside is that we can re-use this in any framework we’d like — although React will need a wrapper for now, as we discussed.

Odds and ends

I’ve already mentioned Lit’s React wrapper. But if you find yourself using Stencil, it actually supports a separate output pipeline just for React. And the good folks at Microsoft have also created something similar to Lit’s wrapper, attached to the Fast web component library.

As I mentioned, all frameworks not named React will handle setting web component properties for you. Just note that some have some special flavors of syntax. For example, with Solid.js, <your-wc value={12}> always assumes that value is a property, which you can override with an attr prefix, like <your-wc attr:value={12}>.

Wrapping up

Web components are an interesting, often underused part of the web development landscape. They can help reduce your dependence on any single JavaScript framework by managing your UI, or “leaf” components. While creating these as web components — as opposed to Svelte or React components — won’t be as ergonomic, the upside is that they’ll be widely reusable.

Building Interoperable Web Components That Even Work With React originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

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Inline Image Previews with Sharp, BlurHash, and Lambda Functions Thu, 19 May 2022 14:30:08 +0000 Don’t you hate it when you load a website or web app, some content displays and then some images load — causing content to shift around? That’s called content reflow and can lead to an incredibly annoying user experience for …

Inline Image Previews with Sharp, BlurHash, and Lambda Functions originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

Don’t you hate it when you load a website or web app, some content displays and then some images load — causing content to shift around? That’s called content reflow and can lead to an incredibly annoying user experience for visitors.

I’ve previously written about solving this with React’s Suspense, which prevents the UI from loading until the images come in. This solves the content reflow problem but at the expense of performance. The user is blocked from seeing any content until the images come in.

Wouldn’t it be nice if we could have the best of both worlds: prevent content reflow while also not making the user wait for the images? This post will walk through generating blurry image previews and displaying them immediately, with the real images rendering over the preview whenever they happen to come in.

So you mean progressive JPEGs?

You might be wondering if I’m about to talk about progressive JPEGs, which are an alternate encoding that causes images to initially render — full size and blurry — and then gradually refine as the data come in until everything renders correctly.

This seems like a great solution until you get into some of the details. Re-encoding your images as progressive JPEGs is reasonably straightforward; there are plugins for Sharp that will handle that for you. Unfortunately, you still need to wait for some of your images’ bytes to come over the wire until even a blurry preview of your image displays, at which point your content will reflow, adjusting to the size of the image’s preview.

You might look for some sort of event to indicate that an initial preview of the image has loaded, but none currently exists, and the workarounds are … not ideal.

Let’s look at two alternatives for this.

The libraries we’ll be using

Before we start, I’d like to call out the versions of the libraries I’ll be using for this post:

Making our own previews

Most of us are used to using <img /> tags by providing a src attribute that’s a URL to some place on the internet where our image exists. But we can also provide a Base64 encoding of an image and just set that inline. We wouldn’t usually want to do that since those Base64 strings can get huge for images and embedding them in our JavaScript bundles can cause some serious bloat.

But what if, when we’re processing our images (to resize, adjust the quality, etc.), we also make a low quality, blurry version of our image and take the Base64 encoding of that? The size of that Base64 image preview will be significantly smaller. We could save that preview string, put it in our JavaScript bundle, and display that inline until our real image is done loading. This will cause a blurry preview of our image to show immediately while the image loads. When the real image is done loading, we can hide the preview and show the real image.

Let’s see how.

Generating our preview

For now, let’s look at Jimp, which has no dependencies on things like node-gyp and can be installed and used in a Lambda.

Here’s a function (stripped of error handling and logging) that uses Jimp to process an image, resize it, and then creates a blurry preview of the image:

function resizeImage(src, maxWidth, quality) {
  return new Promise<ResizeImageResult>(res => {, async function (err, image) {
      if (image.bitmap.width > maxWidth) {
        image.resize(maxWidth, Jimp.AUTO);

      const previewImage = image.clone();
      const preview = await previewImage.getBase64Async(previewImage.getMIME());

      res({ STATUS: "success", image, preview });

For this post, I’ll be using this image provided by Flickr Commons:

Photo of the Big Boy statue holding a burger.

And here’s what the preview looks like:

Blurry version of the Big Boy statue.

If you’d like to take a closer look, here’s the same preview in a CodeSandbox.

Obviously, this preview encoding isn’t small, but then again, neither is our image; smaller images will produce smaller previews. Measure and profile for your own use case to see how viable this solution is.

Now we can send that image preview down from our data layer, along with the actual image URL, and any other related data. We can immediately display the image preview, and when the actual image loads, swap it out. Here’s some (simplified) React code to do that:

const Landmark = ({ url, preview = "" }) => {
    const [loaded, setLoaded] = useState(false);
    const imgRef = useRef<HTMLImageElement>(null);
    useEffect(() => {
      // make sure the image src is added after the onload handler
      if (imgRef.current) {
        imgRef.current.src = url;
    }, [url, imgRef, preview]);
    return (
        <Preview loaded={loaded} preview={preview} />
          onLoad={() => setTimeout(() => setLoaded(true), 3000)}
          style={{ display: loaded ? "block" : "none" }}
  const Preview: FunctionComponent<LandmarkPreviewProps> = ({ preview, loaded }) => {
    if (loaded) {
      return null;
    } else if (typeof preview === "string") {
      return <img key="landmark-preview" alt="Landmark preview" src={preview} style={{ display: "block" }} />;
    } else {
      return <PreviewCanvas preview={preview} loaded={loaded} />;

Don’t worry about the PreviewCanvas component yet. And don’t worry about the fact that things like a changing URL aren’t accounted for.

Note that we set the image component’s src after the onLoad handler to ensure it fires. We show the preview, and when the real image loads, we swap it in.

Improving things with BlurHash

Update: Since writing this, I’d no longer recommend Blurhash. It requires client-side JavaScript and <canvas> tags to display the preview. That makes it extremely unfriendly to SSR-based web frameworks like Next and SvelteKit.

Instead, I’d recommend plaiceholder. It uses Sharp as a dependency, so the special Lambda installation instructions are still relevant. I like the base64 option, which generates an extremely tiny base64 preview. You’ll still need to track the real size, like we do in the article, and then size up the preview. After doing that and applying a blur filter, the end result looks about as good as Blurhash. Best of all. It’s completely SSR friendly. In fact, you can display the preview underneath the real image using CSS. That’ll cause the preview to show until the real image comes in. Then it takes over, using only HTML and CSS, without any client-side JavaScript.

Here’s a Svelte component I wrote with SvelteKit to do just this. This component runs on the server, and will do the preview and replacement even before hydration, or even if JavaScript is disabled.

View code
<script lang="ts">
  import type { PreviewPacket } from "$data/types";

  export let url: string | null = null;
  export let preview: string | PreviewPacket | null;

  $: previewString = preview == null ? "" : typeof preview === "string" ? preview : preview.b64;
  $: sizingStyle = preview != null && typeof preview === "object" ? `width:${preview.w}px;height:${preview.h}px` : "";

  <img alt="Book cover preview" src={previewString} style={sizingStyle} class="preview" />
  <img alt="Book cover" src={url} class="image" />

  div {
    display: inline-grid;
    grid-template-areas: "content";
    overflow: hidden;
  div > * {
    grid-area: content;

  .preview {
    z-index: 1;
    filter: blur(5px);
  .image {
    z-index: 2;

The original content for this section of the article follows.

The image preview we saw before might not be small enough to send down with our JavaScript bundle. And these Base64 strings will not gzip well. Depending on how many of these images you have, this may or may not be good enough. But if you’d like to compress things even smaller and you’re willing to do a bit more work, there’s a wonderful library called BlurHash.

BlurHash generates incredibly small previews using Base83 encoding. Base83 encoding allows it to squeeze more information into fewer bytes, which is part of how it keeps the previews so small. 83 might seem like an arbitrary number, but the README sheds some light on this:

First, 83 seems to be about how many low-ASCII characters you can find that are safe for use in all of JSON, HTML and shells.

Secondly, 83 * 83 is very close to, and a little more than, 19 * 19 * 19, making it ideal for encoding three AC components in two characters.

The README also states how Signal and Mastodon use BlurHash.

Let’s see it in action.

Generating blurhash previews

For this, we’ll need to use the Sharp library.


To generate your blurhash previews, you’ll likely want to run some sort of serverless function to process your images and generate the previews. I’ll be using AWS Lambda, but any alternative should work.

Just be careful about maximum size limitations. The binaries Sharp installs add about 9 MB to the serverless function’s size.

To run this code in an AWS Lambda, you’ll need to install the library like this:

"install-deps": "npm i && SHARP_IGNORE_GLOBAL_LIBVIPS=1 npm i --arch=x64 --platform=linux sharp"

And make sure you’re not doing any sort of bundling to ensure all of the binaries are sent to your Lambda. This will affect the size of the Lambda deploy. Sharp alone will wind up being about 9 MB, which won’t be great for cold start times. The code you’ll see below is in a Lambda that just runs periodically (without any UI waiting on it), generating blurhash previews.

This code will look at the size of the image and create a blurhash preview:

import { encode, isBlurhashValid } from "blurhash";
const sharp = require("sharp");

export async function getBlurhashPreview(src) {
  const image = sharp(src);
  const dimensions = await image.metadata();

  return new Promise(res => {
    const { width, height } = dimensions;

      .toBuffer((err, buffer) => {
        const blurhash = encode(new Uint8ClampedArray(buffer), width, height, 4, 4);
        if (isBlurhashValid(blurhash)) {
          return res({ blurhash, w: width, h: height });
        } else {
          return res(null);

Again, I’ve removed all error handling and logging for clarity. Worth noting is the call to ensureAlpha. This ensures that each pixel has 4 bytes, one each for RGB and Alpha.

Jimp lacks this method, which is why we’re using Sharp; if anyone knows otherwise, please drop a comment.

Also, note that we’re saving not only the preview string but also the dimensions of the image, which will make sense in a bit.

The real work happens here:

const blurhash = encode(new Uint8ClampedArray(buffer), width, height, 4, 4);

We’re calling blurhash‘s encode method, passing it our image and the image’s dimensions. The last two arguments are componentX and componentY, which from my understanding of the documentation, seem to control how many passes blurhash does on our image, adding more and more detail. The acceptable values are 1 to 9 (inclusive). From my own testing, 4 is a sweet spot that produces the best results.

Let’s see what this produces for that same image:

  "blurhash" : "UAA]{ox^0eRiO_bJjdn~9#M_=|oLIUnzxtNG",
  "w" : 276,
  "h" : 400

That’s incredibly small! The tradeoff is that using this preview is a bit more involved.

Basically, we need to call blurhash‘s decode method and render our image preview in a canvas tag. This is what the PreviewCanvas component was doing before and why we were rendering it if the type of our preview was not a string: our blurhash previews use an entire object — containing not only the preview string but also the image dimensions.

Let’s look at our PreviewCanvas component:

const PreviewCanvas: FunctionComponent<CanvasPreviewProps> = ({ preview }) => {
    const canvasRef = useRef<HTMLCanvasElement>(null);
    useLayoutEffect(() => {
      const pixels = decode(preview.blurhash, preview.w, preview.h);
      const ctx = canvasRef.current.getContext("2d");
      const imageData = ctx.createImageData(preview.w, preview.h);;
      ctx.putImageData(imageData, 0, 0);
    }, [preview]);
    return <canvas ref={canvasRef} width={preview.w} height={preview.h} />;

Not too terribly much going on here. We’re decoding our preview and then calling some fairly specific Canvas APIs.

Let’s see what the image previews look like:

In a sense, it’s less detailed than our previous previews. But I’ve also found them to be a bit smoother and less pixelated. And they take up a tiny fraction of the size.

Test and use what works best for you.

Wrapping up

There are many ways to prevent content reflow as your images load on the web. One approach is to prevent your UI from rendering until the images come in. The downside is that your user winds up waiting longer for content.

A good middle-ground is to immediately show a preview of the image and swap the real thing in when it’s loaded. This post walked you through two ways of accomplishing that: generating degraded, blurry versions of an image using a tool like Sharp and using BlurHash to generate an extremely small, Base83 encoded preview.

Happy coding!

Inline Image Previews with Sharp, BlurHash, and Lambda Functions originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

]]> 2 365784
Syntax Highlighting (and More!) With Prism on a Static Site Wed, 04 May 2022 14:16:43 +0000 So, you’ve decided to build a blog with Next.js. Like any dev blogger, you’d like to have code snippets in your posts that are formatted nicely with syntax highlighting. Perhaps you also want to display line numbers in the …

Syntax Highlighting (and More!) With Prism on a Static Site originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

So, you’ve decided to build a blog with Next.js. Like any dev blogger, you’d like to have code snippets in your posts that are formatted nicely with syntax highlighting. Perhaps you also want to display line numbers in the snippets, and maybe even have the ability to call out certain lines of code.

This post will show you how to get that set up, as well as some tips and tricks for getting these other features working. Some of it is tricker than you might expect.


We’re using the Next.js blog starter as the base for our project, but the same principles should apply to other frameworks. That repo has clear (and simple) getting started instructions. Scaffold the blog, and let’s go!

Another thing we’re using here is Prism.js, a popular syntax highlighting library that’s even used right here on CSS-Tricks. The Next.js blog starter uses Remark to convert Markdown into markup, so we’ll use the remark-Prism.js plugin for formatting our code snippets.

Basic Prism.js integration

Let’s start by integrating Prism.js into our Next.js starter. Since we already know we’re using the remark-prism plugin, the first thing to do is install it with your favorite package manager:

npm i remark-prism

Now go into the markdownToHtml file, in the /lib folder, and switch on remark-prism:

import remarkPrism from "remark-prism";

// later ...

.use(remarkPrism, { plugins: ["line-numbers"] })

Depending on which version of the remark-html you’re using, you might also need to change its usage to .use(html, { sanitize: false }).

The whole module should now look like this:

import { remark } from "remark";
import html from "remark-html";
import remarkPrism from "remark-prism";

export default async function markdownToHtml(markdown) {
  const result = await remark()
    .use(html, { sanitize: false })
    .use(remarkPrism, { plugins: ["line-numbers"] })

  return result.toString();

Adding Prism.js styles and theme

Now let’s import the CSS that Prism.js needs to style the code snippets. In the pages/_app.js file, import the main Prism.js stylesheet, and the stylesheet for whichever theme you’d like to use. I’m using Prism.js’s “Tomorrow Night” theme, so my imports look like this:

import "prismjs/themes/prism-tomorrow.css";
import "prismjs/plugins/line-numbers/prism-line-numbers.css";
import "../styles/prism-overrides.css";

Notice I’ve also started a prism-overrides.css stylesheet where we can tweak some defaults. This will become useful later. For now, it can remain empty.

And with that, we now have some basic styles. The following code in Markdown:

class Shape {
  draw() {
    console.log("Uhhh maybe override me");

class Circle {
  draw() {
    console.log("I'm a circle! :D");

…should format nicely:

Adding line numbers

You might have noticed that the code snippet we generated does not display line numbers even though we imported the plugin that supports it when we imported remark-prism. The solution is hidden in plain sight in the remark-prism README:

Don’t forget to include the appropriate css in your stylesheets.

In other words, we need to force a .line-numbers CSS class onto the generated <pre> tag, which we can do like this:

And with that, we now have line numbers!

Note that, based on the version of Prism.js I have and the “Tomorrow Night” theme I chose, I needed to add this to the prism-overrides.css file we started above:

.line-numbers span.line-numbers-rows {
  margin-top: -1px;

You may not need that, but there you have it. We have line numbers!

Highlighting lines

Our next feature will be a bit more work. This is where we want the ability to highlight, or call out certain lines of code in the snippet.

There’s a Prism.js line-highlight plugin; unfortunately, it is not integrated with remark-prism. The plugin works by analyzing the formatted code’s position in the DOM, and manually highlights lines based on that information. That’s impossible with the remark-prism plugin since there is no DOM at the time the plugin runs. This is, after all, static site generation. Next.js is running our Markdown through a build step and generating HTML to render the blog. All of this Prism.js code runs during this static site generation, when there is no DOM.

But fear not! There’s a fun workaround that fits right in with CSS-Tricks: we can use plain CSS (and a dash of JavaScript) to highlight lines of code.

Let me be clear that this is a non-trivial amount of work. If you don’t need line highlighting, then feel free to skip to the next section. But if nothing else, it can be a fun demonstration of what’s possible.

Our base CSS

Let’s start by adding the following CSS to our prism-overrides.css stylesheet:

:root {
  --highlight-background: rgb(0 0 0 / 0);
  --highlight-width: 0;

.line-numbers span.line-numbers-rows > span {
  position: relative;

.line-numbers span.line-numbers-rows > span::after {
  content: " ";
  background: var(--highlight-background);
  width: var(--highlight-width);
  position: absolute;
  top: 0;

We’re defining some CSS custom properties up front: a background color and a highlight width. We’re setting them to empty values for now. Later, though, we’ll set meaningful values in JavaScript for the lines we want highlighted.

We’re then setting the line number <span> to position: relative, so that we can add a ::after pseudo element with absolute positioning. It’s this pseudo element that we’ll use to highlight our lines.

Declaring the highlighted lines

Now, let’s manually add a data attribute to the <pre> tag that’s generated, then read that in code, and use JavaScript to tweak the styles above to highlight specific lines of code. We can do this the same way that we added line numbers before:

This will cause our <pre> element to be rendered with a data-line="3,8-10" attribute, where line 3 and lines 8-10 are highlighted in the code snippet. We can comma-separate line numbers, or provide ranges.

Let’s look at how we can parse that in JavaScript, and get highlighting working.

Reading the highlighted lines

Head over to components/post-body.tsx. If this file is JavaScript for you, feel free to either convert it to TypeScript (.tsx), or just ignore all my typings.

First, we’ll need some imports:

import { useEffect, useRef } from "react";

And we need to add a ref to this component:

const rootRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null);

Then, we apply it to the root element:

<div ref={rootRef} className="max-w-2xl mx-auto">

The next piece of code is a little long, but it’s not doing anything crazy. I’ll show it, then walk through it.

useEffect(() => {
  const allPres = rootRef.current.querySelectorAll("pre");
  const cleanup: (() => void)[] = [];

  for (const pre of allPres) {
    const code = pre.firstElementChild;
    if (!code || !/code/i.test(code.tagName)) {

    const highlightRanges = pre.dataset.line;
    const lineNumbersContainer = pre.querySelector(".line-numbers-rows");

    if (!highlightRanges || !lineNumbersContainer) {

    const runHighlight = () =>
      highlightCode(pre, highlightRanges, lineNumbersContainer);

    const ro = new ResizeObserver(runHighlight);

    cleanup.push(() => ro.disconnect());

  return () => cleanup.forEach(f => f());
}, []);

We’re running an effect once, when the content has all been rendered to the screen. We’re using querySelectorAll to grab all the <pre> elements under this root element; in other words, whatever blog post the user is viewing.

For each one, we make sure there’s a <code> element under it, and we check for both the line numbers container and the data-line attribute. That’s what dataset.line checks. See the docs for more info.

If we make it past the second continue, then highlightRanges is the set of highlights we declared earlier which, in our case, is "3,8-10", where lineNumbersContainer is the container with the .line-numbers-rows CSS class.

Lastly, we declare a runHighlight function that calls a highlightCode function that I’m about to show you. Then, we set up a ResizeObserver to run that same function anytime our blog post changes size, i.e., if the user resizes the browser window.

The highlightCode function

Finally, let’s see our highlightCode function:

function highlightCode(pre, highlightRanges, lineNumberRowsContainer) {
  const ranges = highlightRanges.split(",").filter(val => val);
  const preWidth = pre.scrollWidth;

  for (const range of ranges) {
    let [start, end] = range.split("-");
    if (!start || !end) {
      start = range;
      end = range;

    for (let i = +start; i <= +end; i++) {
      const lineNumberSpan: HTMLSpanElement = lineNumberRowsContainer.querySelector(
        "rgb(100 100 100 / 0.5)"
      );"--highlight-width", `${preWidth}px`);

We get each range and read the width of the <pre> element. Then we loop through each range, find the relevant line number <span>, and set the CSS custom property values for them. We set whatever highlight color we want, and we set the width to the total scrollWidth value of the <pre> element. I kept it simple and used "rgb(100 100 100 / 0.5)" but feel free to use whatever color you think looks best for your blog.

Here’s what it looks like:

Syntax highlighting for a block of Markdown code.

Line highlighting without line numbers

You may have noticed that all of this so far depends on line numbers being present. But what if we want to highlight lines, but without line numbers?

One way to implement this would be to keep everything the same and add a new option to simply hide those line numbers with CSS. First, we’ll add a new CSS class, .hide-numbers:

class Shape {
  draw() {
    console.log("Uhhh maybe override me");

class Circle {
  draw() {
    console.log("I'm a circle! :D");

Now let’s add CSS rules to hide the line numbers when the .hide-numbers class is applied:

.line-numbers.hide-numbers {
  padding: 1em !important;
.hide-numbers .line-numbers-rows {
  width: 0;
.hide-numbers .line-numbers-rows > span::before {
  content: " ";
.hide-numbers .line-numbers-rows > span {
  padding-left: 2.8em;

The first rule undoes the shift to the right from our base code in order to make room for the line numbers. By default, the padding of the Prism.js theme I chose is 1em. The line-numbers plugin increases it to 3.8em, then inserts the line numbers with absolute positioning. What we did reverts the padding back to the 1em default.

The second rule takes the container of line numbers, and squishes it to have no width. The third rule erases all of the line numbers themselves (they’re generated with ::before pseudo elements).

The last rule simply shifts the now-empty line number <span> elements back to where they would have been so that the highlighting can be positioned how we want it. Again, for my theme, the line numbers normally adds 3.8em worth of left padding, which we reverted back to the default 1em. These new styles add the other 2.8em so things are back to where they should be, but with the line numbers hidden. If you’re using different plugins, you might need slightly different values.

Here’s what the result looks like:

Syntax highlighting for a block of Markdown code.

Copy-to-Clipboard feature

Before we wrap up, let’s add one finishing touch: a button allowing our dear reader to copy the code from our snippet. It’s a nice little enhancement that spares people from having to manually select and copy the code snippets.

It’s actually somewhat straightforward. There’s a navigator.clipboard.writeText API for this. We pass that method the text we’d like to copy, and that’s that. We can inject a button next to every one of our <code> elements to send the code’s text to that API call to copy it. We’re already messing with those <code> elements in order to highlight lines, so let’s integrate our copy-to-clipboard button in the same place.

First, from the useEffect code above, let’s add one line:

useEffect(() => {
  const allPres = rootRef.current.querySelectorAll("pre");
  const cleanup: (() => void)[] = [];

  for (const pre of allPres) {
    const code = pre.firstElementChild;
    if (!code || !/code/i.test(code.tagName)) {


Note the last line. We’re going to append our button right into the DOM underneath our <pre> element, which is already position: relative, allowing us to position the button more easily.

Let’s see what the createCopyButton function looks like:

function createCopyButton(codeEl) {
  const button = document.createElement("button");
  button.textContent = "Copy";

  button.addEventListener("click", () => {
    if (button.textContent === "Copied") {
    navigator.clipboard.writeText(codeEl.textContent || "");
    button.textContent = "Copied";
    button.disabled = true;
    setTimeout(() => {
      button.textContent = "Copy";
      button.disabled = false;
    }, 3000);

  return button;

Lots of code, but it’s mostly boilerplate. We create our button then give it a CSS class and some text. And then, of course, we create a click handler to do the copying. After the copy is done, we change the button’s text and disable it for a few seconds to help give the user feedback that it worked.

The real work is on this line:

navigator.clipboard.writeText(codeEl.textContent || "");

We’re passing codeEl.textContent rather than innerHTML since we want only the actual text that’s rendered, rather than all the markup Prism.js adds in order to format our code nicely.

Now let’s see how we might style this button. I’m no designer, but this is what I came up with:

.prism-copy-button {
  position: absolute;
  top: 5px;
  right: 5px;
  width: 10ch;
  background-color: rgb(100 100 100 / 0.5);
  border-width: 0;
  color: rgb(0, 0, 0);
  cursor: pointer;

.prism-copy-button[disabled] {
  cursor: default;

Which looks like this:

Syntax highlighting for a block of Markdown code.

And it works! It copies our code, and even preserves the formatting (i.e. new lines and indentation)!

Wrapping up

I hope this has been useful to you. Prism.js is a wonderful library, but it wasn’t originally written for static sites. This post walked you through some tips and tricks for bridging that gap, and getting it to work well with a Next.js site.

Syntax Highlighting (and More!) With Prism on a Static Site originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

]]> 7 365510
Setting Up CloudFront to Host Your Web App Thu, 28 Apr 2022 14:42:48 +0000 In my last article, we went over how to set up a web app that serves chunks and bundles of CSS and JavaScript from CloudFront. We integrated it into Vite so that when the app runs in a browser, …

Setting Up CloudFront to Host Your Web App originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

In my last article, we went over how to set up a web app that serves chunks and bundles of CSS and JavaScript from CloudFront. We integrated it into Vite so that when the app runs in a browser, the assets requested from the app’s root HTML file would pull from CloudFront as the CDN.

While CloudFront’s edge caching does offer benefits, serving your app’s resources from these multiple locations is not without a cost of its own. Let’s take a look at a WebPageTest trace of my own web app, running with the configuration from the last blog post.

Notice the large connection times for lines 2-4. Line 1 is our HTML entry point. That HTML is parsed, the browser sees script and link tags for the JavaScript and CSS assets that reside on the CDN, and requests them. This causes a new connection to be set up which, as you can see, takes time.

This post will show you how to get around this. We’ll walk through how to host the entire web app on CloudFront and have CloudFront forward — or “proxy” — non-cacheable requests for data, auth, etc., onto our underlying web server.

Note that this is substantially more work than what we saw in the last article, and the instructions are likely to be different for you based on the exact needs of your web app, so your mileage may vary. We’ll be changing DNS records and, depending on your web app, you may have to add some cache headers in order to prevent certain assets from ever being cached. We’ll get into all of this!

You may be wondering whether the setup we covered in the last article even offers any benefits because of what we’re doing here in this article. Given the long connection time, would we have been better off forgoing the CDN, and instead serve all our assets from the web server to avoid that longer wait? I measured this with my own web app, and the CDN version, above, was indeed faster, but not by a lot. The initial LCP page load was about 200-300ms faster. And remember, that’s just for the initial load. Once this connection has been set up, edge caching should add much more value for all your subsequent, asynchronously loaded chunks.

Setting up our DNS

Our end goal is to serve our entire web app from CloudFront. That means when we hit our domain, we want the results to come from CloudFront instead of whatever web server it’s currently linked to. That means we’ll have to modify our DNS settings. We’ll use AWS Route 53 for this.

I’m using as an example, which is a domain I own. I’ll show you all the steps here. But by the time you read this, I’ll have removed this domain from my web app. So, later when I start showing you actual CNAME records, and similar, those will no longer exist.

Go to the Route 53 homepage, and click on hosted zones:

Showing the hosted zone configuration screen in the CloudFront settings.

Click Create hosted zone and enter the app’s domain:

Now, take note of the name servers listed in the next screen. They should look something like this.

We haven’t really accomplished anything yet. We told AWS we want it to manage this domain for us, and AWS gave us the name servers it’ll route our traffic through. To put this into effect, we need to go to wherever our domain is registered. There should be a place for you to enter in your own custom name servers.

Note that my domain is registered with GoDaddy and that is reflected in the screenshots throughout this article. The UI, settings, and options may differ from what you see in your registrar.

Warning: I recommend writing down the original name servers as well as any and all DNS records before making changes. That way, should something fail, you have everything you need to roll back to how things were before you started. And even if everything works fine, you’ll still want to re-add any other records into Route 53, ie MX records, etc.

Setting up a CloudFront distribution

Let’s make a CloudFront distribution to host our web app. We covered the basics in the last post, so we’ll get right to it. One big change from last time is what we enter for the origin domain. Do not put the top-level domain, e.g. What you need is the underlying domain where your app is hosted. If that’s Heroku, then enter the URL Heroku provides you.

Next, be sure to change the default protocol if you plan to use this site over a secure HTTPS connection:

This part is crucial. If your web app is running authentication, hosting data, or anything else, be sure to enable other verbs besides GET. If you skip this part, then any POST requests for authentication, mutating data, etc., will be rejected and fail. If your web app is doing nothing but serving assets and all those things are handled by external services, then outstanding! You have a great setup, and you can skip this step.

We have to make quite a few changes to the cache key and origin requests settings compared to last time:

We need to create a cache policy with a minimum TTL of 0, so non-caching headers we send back will are properly respected. You may also want to enable all query strings. I was seeing weird behavior when multiple GraphQL requests went out together with different query strings, which were ignored, causing all these requests to appear identical from CloudFront’s perspective.

My policy wound up looking like this:

For an origin request policy, if needed, we should make sure to send query strings and cookies for things like authentication and data queries to work. To be clear, this determines whether cookies and query strings will be sent from CloudFront down to your web server (e.g. Heroku, or similar).

Mine looks like this:

Lastly, for response headers policy, we can select “CORS With Preflight” from the list. In the end, your first two will have different names depending on how you set them up. But mine looks like this:

Let’s connect our domain, whatever it is, to this CloudFront distribution. Unfortunately, this is more work than you might expect. We need to prove to AWS that we actually own the domain because, for all Amazon knows, we don’t. We created a hosted zone in Route 53. And we took the nameservers it gave us and registered them with GoDaddy (or whoever your domain is registered with). But Amazon doesn’t know this yet. We need to demonstrate to Amazon that we do, in fact, control the DNS for this domain.

First, we’ll request an SSL certificate.

Next, let’s request the certificate link:

Now, we’ll select the option to request a public certificate option:

We need to provide the domain:

And, in my case, the certificate is pending:

So, I’m going to click it:

This proves that we own and control this domain. In a separate tab, go back to Route 53, and open our hosted zone:

Now we need to create the CNAME record. Copy the first part for the Record name. For example, if the CNAME is, then put the _xhyqtrajdkrr part. For the Record value, copy the entire value.

Assuming you registered the AWS name servers with your domain host, GoDaddy or whomever, AWS will soon be able to ping the DNS entry it just asked you to create, see the response it expects, and validate your certificate.

It can take time for the name servers you set at the beginning to propagate. In theory, it can take up to 72 hours, but it usually updates within an hour for me.

You’ll see success on the domain:

…as well as the certificate:

Whew! Almost done. Now let’s connect all of this to our CloudFront distribution. We can head back to the CloudFront settings screen. Now, under custom SSL certificate, we should see what we created (and any others you’ve created in the past):

Then, let’s add the app’s top-level domain:

All that’s left is to tell Route 53 to route our domain to this CloudFront distribution. So, let’s go back to Route 53 and create another DNS record.

We need to enter an A record for IPv4, and an AAAA record for IPv6. For both, leave the record name empty since we’re only registering our top-level domain and nothing else.

Select the A record type. Next, specify the record as an alias, then map the alias to the CloudFront distribution. That should open up an option to choose your CloudFront distribution, and since we previously registered the domain with CloudFront, you should see that distribution, and only that distribution when making a selection.

We repeat the exact same steps for the AAAA record type we need for IPv6 support.

Run your web app, and make sure it actually, you know, works. It should!

Things to test and verify

OK, while we’re technically done here, chances are there are still a few things left to do to meet the exact needs of your web app. Different apps have different needs and what I’ve demonstrated so far has walked us through the common steps to route things through CloudFront for better performance. Chances are there are things unique to your app that require more love. So, for that, let me cover a few possible additional items you might encounter during setup.

First off, make sure any POSTs you have are correctly sent to your origin. Assuming CloudFront is correctly configured to forward cookies to your origin, this should already work but there’s no harm in checking.

The bigger concern are all other GET requests that are sent to your web app. By default, any GET requests CloudFront receives, if cached, are served to your web app with the cached response. This can be disastrous. Any data requests to any REST or GraphQL endpoints sent with GET are cached by the CDN. And if you’re shipping a service worker, that will be cached too, instead of the normal behavior, where the current version is sent down in the background and updated if there are changes.

In order to tell CloudFront not to cache certain things, be sure to set the "Cache-Control" header to "no-cache" . If you’re using a framework, like Express, you can set middleware for your data access with something like this:

app.use("/graphql", (req, res, next) => {
  res.set("Cache-Control", "no-cache");
    schema: executableSchema,
    graphiql: true,
    rootValue: root

For things like service workers, you can put specific rules for those files before your static middleware:

app.get("/service-worker.js", express.static(__dirname + "/react/dist", { setHeaders: resp => resp.set("Cache-Control", "no-cache") }));
app.get("/sw-index-bundle.js", express.static(__dirname + "/react/dist", { setHeaders: resp => resp.set("Cache-Control", "no-cache") }));
app.use(express.static(__dirname + "/react/dist", { maxAge: 432000 * 1000 * 10 }));

And so on. Test everything thoroughly because there’s so much that can go wrong. And after each change you make, be sure to run a full invalidation in CloudFront and clear the cache before re-running your web app to test that things are correctly excluded from cache. You can do this from the Invalidations tab in CloudFront. Open that up and put /* in for the value, to clear everything.

A working CloudFront implementation

Now that we have everything running, let’s re-run our trace in WebPageTest:

And just like that, we no longer have setup connections like we saw before for our assets. For my own web app, I was seeing a substantial improvement of 500ms in LCP. That’s a solid win!

Hosting an entire web app on a CDN can offer the best of all worlds. We get edge caching for static resources, but without the connection costs. Unfortunately, this improvement doesn’t come for free. Getting all of the necessary proxying correctly set up isn’t entirely intuitive, and then there’s still the need to set up cache headers in order to avoid non-cacheable requests from winding up in the CDN’s cache.

Setting Up CloudFront to Host Your Web App originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

]]> 1 365413
Adding CDN Caching to a Vite Build Mon, 04 Apr 2022 18:25:23 +0000 Content delivery networks, or CDNs, allow you to improve the delivery of your website’s static resources, most notably, with CDN caching. They do this by serving your content from edge locations, which are located all over the world. When a …

Adding CDN Caching to a Vite Build originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

Content delivery networks, or CDNs, allow you to improve the delivery of your website’s static resources, most notably, with CDN caching. They do this by serving your content from edge locations, which are located all over the world. When a user browses to your site, and your site requests resources from the CDN, the CDN will route that request to the nearest edge location. If that location has the requested resources, either from that user’s prior visit, or from another person, then the content will be served from cache. If not, the CDN will request the content from your underlying domain, cache it, and serve it.

There are countless CDNs out there, but for this post we’ll be using AWS CloudFront. We’ll look at setting up a CloudFront distribution to serve all our site’s assets: JavaScript files, CSS files, font files, etc. Then we’ll see about integrating it into a Vite build. If you’d like to learn more about Vite, I have an introduction here.

Setting up a CloudFront CDN distribution

Let’s jump right in and set up our CloudFront CDN distribution.

For any serious project, you should be setting up your serverless infrastructure with code, using something like the Serverless Framework, or AWS’s CDK. But to keep things simple, here, we’ll set up our CDN using the AWS console.

Head on over to the CloudFront homepage. At the top right, you should see an orange button to create a new distribution.

CloudFront CDN Distributions screen.

The creation screen has a ton of options, but for the most part the default selections will be fine. First and foremost, add the domain where your resources are located.

CloudFront CDN distribution creation screen.

Next, scroll down and find the Response headers policy dropdown, and choose “CORS-With-Preflight.”

CloudFront response headers settings.

Lastly, click the Create Distribution button at the bottom, and hopefully you’ll see your new distribution.

CloudFront CDN distribution overview screen.

Integrating the CDN with Vite

It’s one thing for our CDN to be set up and ready to serve our files. But it’s another for our site to actually know how to request them from our CDN. I’ll walk through integrating with Vite, but other build systems, like webpack or Rollup, will be similar.

When Vite builds our site, it maintains a “graph” of all the JavaScript and CSS files that various parts of our site import, and it injects the appropriate <script> tags, <link> tags, or import() statements to load what’s needed. What we need to do is tell Vite to request these assets from our CDN when in production. Let’s see how.

Open up your vite.config.ts file. First, we’ll need to know if we’re on the live site (production) or in development (dev).

const isProduction = process.env.NODE_ENV === "production"; 

This works since Vite sets this environment variable when we run vite build, which is what we do for production, as opposed to dev mode with hot module reloading.

Next we tell Vite to draw our assets from our CDN like so, setting the base property of our config object:

export default defineConfig({
  base: isProduction ? process.env.REACT_CDN : "",

Be sure to set your REACT_CDN environment variable to your CDN’s location, which in this case, will be our CloudFront distribution’s location. Mine looks something (but not exactly) like this:

Watch your VitePWA settings!

As one final piece of cleanup, if you happen to be using the VitePWA plugin, be sure to reset your base property like this:

  base: "/",

Otherwise, your web.manifest file will have invalid settings and cause errors.

Let’s see the CDN work

Once you’re all set up, browse to your site, and inspect any of the network requests for your script or CSS files. For starters, the protocol should be h2.

Showing the assets served via CDN caching in DevTools. Each file name includes a unique random string of letters and numbers.

From there, you can peek into the response headers of any one of those files, and you should see some CloudFront data in there:

Screenshot of a response header.

Cache busting

It’s hard to talk about CDNs without mentioning cache busting. CDNs like CloudFront have functionality to manually “eject” items from cache. But for Vite-built assets, we get this “for free” since Vite adds fingerprinting, or hash codes, to the filenames of the assets it produces.

So Vite might turn a home.js file into home-abc123.js during a build, but then if you change that file and rebuild, it might become home-xyz987.js. That’s good, as it will “break the cache,” and the newly built file will not be cached, so the CDN will have to turn to our host domain for the actual content.

CDN caching for other static assets

JavaScript, CSS, and font files aren’t the only kinds of assets that can benefit from CDN caching. If you have an S3 bucket you’re serving images out of, consider setting up a CloudFront distribution for it as well. There are options specifically for S3 which makes it a snap to create. Not only will you get the same edge caching, but HTTP/2 responses, which S3 does not provide.

Advanced CDN practices

Integrating a CDN here was reasonably straightforward, but we’re only enjoying a fraction of the potential benefits. Right now, users will browse to our app, our server will serve our root HTML file, and then the user’s browser will connect to our CDN to start pulling down all our static assets.

Going further, we would want to serve our entire site from a CDN. That way, it can communicate with our web server as needed for non-static and non-cached assets.


CDNs are a great way to improve the performance of your site. They provide edge caching and HTTP/2 out of the box. Not only that, but they’re reasonably easy to set up. Now you have a new tool in your belt to both set up a CDN and integrate it with Vite.

Adding CDN Caching to a Vite Build originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

]]> 0 364166
Subsetting Font Awesome to Improve Performance Thu, 17 Feb 2022 15:21:41 +0000 Font Awesome is an incredibly popular icon library. Unfortunately, it’s somewhat easy to use in a way that results in less-than-ideal performance. By subsetting Font Awesome, we can remove any unused glyphs from the font files it provides. This will …

Subsetting Font Awesome to Improve Performance originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

Font Awesome is an incredibly popular icon library. Unfortunately, it’s somewhat easy to use in a way that results in less-than-ideal performance. By subsetting Font Awesome, we can remove any unused glyphs from the font files it provides. This will reduce the number of bytes transmitted over the wire, and improve performance.

Let’s subset fonts together in a Font Awesome project to see the difference it makes. As we go, I’ll assume you’re importing the CSS file Font Awesome provides, and using its web fonts to display icons.

Let’s set things up

For the sake of demonstration, I have nothing but an HTML file that imports Font Awesome’s base CSS file. To get a reasonable sample of icons, I’ve listed out each one that I use on one of my side projects.

Here’s what our HTML file looks like in the browser before subsetting fonts:

Screenshot of a webpage with 54 various icons in a single row.

Here’s a look at DevTool’s Network tab to see what’s coming down.

Screenshot of DevTools Network tab showing a stylesheet without font subsetting that weighs 33.4 kilobytes.

Now let’s see how many bytes our font files take to render all that.

Here’s our base case

We want to see what the most straightforward, least performant use of Font Awesome looks like. In other words, we want the slowest possible implementation with no optimization. I’m importing the all.min.css file Font Awesome provides.

As we saw above, the gzipped file weighs in at 33.4KB, which isn’t bad at all. Unfortunately, when we peek into DevTool’s Font tab, things get a little worse.

Screenshot of DevTools Font tab showing five loaded woff-2 files, ranging in size from 138 kilobytes to 185.
Yikes. 757KB just for font files. For 54 icons.

While font files are not as expensive a resource for your browser to handle as JavaScript, those are still bytes your browser needs to pull down, just for some little icons. Consider that some of your users might be browsing your site on mobile, away from a strong or fast internet connection.

First attempt using PurifyCSS

Font Awesome’s main stylesheet contains definitions for literally thousands of icons. But what if we only need a few dozen at most? Surely we could trim out the unneeded stuff?

There are many tools out there that will analyze your code, and remove unused styles from a stylesheet. I happen to be using PurifyCSS. While this library isn’t actively maintained anymore, the idea is the same, and in the end, this isn’t the solution we’re looking for. But let’s see what happens when we trim our CSS down to only what’s needed, which we can do with this script:

const purify = require("purify-css");

const content = ["./dist/**/*.js"]; // Vite-built content

purify(content, ["./css/fontawesome/css/all.css"], {
  minify: true,
  output: "./css/fontawesome/css/font-awesome-minimal-build.css"

And when we load that newly built CSS file, our CSS bytes over the wire drop quite a bit, from 33KB to just 7.1KB!

Screenshot of the DevTools Network tab showing a loaded stylesheet that is 7.1 kilobytes, thanks to removing unused CSS.

But unfortunately, our other Font Awesome font files are unchanged.

Screenshot of the DevTools Font tab showing five loaded font files.

What happened? PurifyCSS did its job. It indeed removed the CSS rules for all the unused icons. Unfortunately, it wasn’t capable of reaching into the actual font files to trim down the glyphs, in addition to the CSS rules.

If only there was a tool like PurifyCSS that handles font files…

Subsetters to the rescue!

There are, of course, tools that are capable of removing unused content from font files, and they’re called subsetters. A subsetter analyzes your webpage, looks at your font files, and trims out the unused characters. There are a bunch of tools for subsetting fonts out there, like Zach Leatherman’s Glyphhanger. As it turns out, subsetting Font Awesome is pretty straightforward because it ships its own built-in subsetters. Let’s take a look.

Subsetting fonts automatically

The auto subsetting and manual subsetting tools I’m about to show you require a paid Font Awesome Pro subscription.

Font Awesome allows you to set up what it calls kits, which are described in the Font Awesome docs as a “knapsack that carries all the icons and awesomeness you need in a neat little lightweight bundle you can sling on the back of your project with ease.” So, rather than importing any and every CSS file, a kit gives you a single script tag you can add to your HTML file’s <head>, and from there, the kit only sends down the font glyphs you actually need from the font file.

Creating a kit takes about a minute. You’re handed script tag that looks something like this:

<script src="" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>

When the script loads, we now have no CSS files at all, and the JavaScript file is a mere 4KB. Let’s look again at the DevTools Fonts tab to see which font files are loaded now that we’ve done some subsetting.

Screenshot of DevTools Font tab showing 24 loaded font files from subsetting Font Awesome with its auto subsetter.

We’ve gone from 757KB down to 331KB. That’s a more than 50% reduction. But we can still do better than that, especially if all we’re rendering is 54 icons. That’s where Font Awesome’s manual font subsetter comes into play.

Subsetting fonts manually

Wouldn’t it be nice if Font Awesome gave us a tool to literally pick the exact icons we wanted, and then provide a custom build for that? Well, they do. They don’t advertise this too loudly for some reason, but they actually have a desktop application exactly for subsetting fonts manually. The app is available to download from their site — but, like the automatic subsetter, this app requires a paid Font Awesome subscription to actually use.

Screenshot of the Font Awesome desktop app. Icons are displayed as tiles in a grid layout.

Search the icons, choose the family, add what you want, and then click the big blue Build button. That’s really all it takes to generate a custom subset of Font Awesome icons.

Once you hit the button, Font Awesome will ask where it should save your custom build, then it dumps a ZIP file that contains everything you need. In fact, the structure you’ll get is exactly the same as the normal Font Awesome download, which makes things especially simple. And naturally, it lets you save the custom build as a project file so you can open it back up later to add or remove icons as needed.

We’ll open up DevTools to see the final size of the icons we’re loading, but first, let’s look at the actual font files themselves. The custom build creates many different types, depending on what your browser uses. Let’s focus on the .woff2 files, which is what Chrome loads. The same light, regular, duotone, solid, and brand files that were there before are still in place, except this time no file is larger than 5KB… and that’s before they’re gzipped!

Screenshot of the various font files in a project directory.

And what about the CSS file? It slims down to just 8KB. With gzip, it’s only 2KB!

Here’s the final tally in DevTools:

Screenshot of the DevTools Network tab showing five loaded fonts with Base64 encoding from font subsetting.

Before we go, take a quick peek at those font filenames. The fa-light-300.woff2 font file is still there, but the others look different. That’s because I’m using Vite here, and it decided to automatically inline the font files into the CSS, since they’re so tiny.

Screenshot of the inlined Base64 encoding in th at-font-face declaration of a CSS file.

That’s why our CSS file looks a little bigger in the DevTools Network tab than the 2KB we saw before on disk. The tradeoff is that most of those font “files” from above aren’t files at all, but rather Base64-encoded strings embedded right in this CSS file, saving us additional network requests.

Screenshot of the DevTools Network tab showing a single CSS file that weighs 20.7 kilobytes.

All that said, Vite is inlining many different font formats that the browser will never use. But overall it’s a pretty small number of bytes, especially compared to what we were seeing before.

Before leaving, if you’re wondering whether that desktop font subsetting GUI tool comes in a CLI that can integrate with CI/CD to generate these files at build time, the answer is… not yet. I emailed the Font Awesome folks, and they said something is planned. That’ll allow users to streamline their build process if and when it ships.

As you’ve seen, using something like Font Awesome for icons is super cool. But the default usage might not always be the best approach for your project. To get the smallest file size possible, subsetting fonts is something we can do to trim what we don’t need, and only serve what we do. That’s the kind of performance we want, especially when it comes to loading fonts, which have traditionally been tough to wrangle.

Subsetting Font Awesome to Improve Performance originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

]]> 6 363179
Demystifying TypeScript Discriminated Unions Thu, 27 Jan 2022 15:20:57 +0000 TypeScript is a wonderful tool for writing JavaScript that scales. It’s more or less the de facto standard for the web when it comes to large JavaScript projects. As outstanding as it is, there are some tricky pieces for the

Demystifying TypeScript Discriminated Unions originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

TypeScript is a wonderful tool for writing JavaScript that scales. It’s more or less the de facto standard for the web when it comes to large JavaScript projects. As outstanding as it is, there are some tricky pieces for the unaccustomed. One such area is TypeScript discriminated unions.

Specifically, given this code:

interface Cat {
  weight: number;
  whiskers: number;
interface Dog {
  weight: number;
  friendly: boolean;
let animal: Dog | Cat;

…many developers are surprised (and maybe even angry) to discover that when they do animal., only the weight property is valid, and not whiskers or friendly. By the end of this post, this will make perfect sense.

Before we dive in, let’s do a quick (and necessary) review of structural typing, and how it differs from nominal typing. This will set up our discussion of TypeScript’s discriminated unions nicely.

Structural typing

The best way to introduce structural typing is to compare it to what it’s not. Most typed languages you’ve probably used are nominally typed. Consider this C# code (Java or C++ would look similar):

class Foo {
  public int x;
class Blah {
  public int x;

Even though Foo and Blah are structured exactly the same, they cannot be assigned to one another. The following code:

Blah b = new Foo();

…generates this error:

Cannot implicitly convert type 'Foo' to 'Blah'

The structure of these classes is irrelevant. A variable of type Foo can only be assigned to instances of the Foo class (or subclasses thereof).

TypeScript operates the opposite way. TypeScript considers types to be compatible if they have the same structure—hence the name, structural typing. Get it?

So, the following runs without error:

class Foo {
  x: number = 0;
class Blah {
  x: number = 0;
let f: Foo = new Blah();
let b: Blah = new Foo();

Types as sets of matching values

Let’s hammer this home. Given this code:

class Foo {
  x: number = 0;

let f: Foo;

f is a variable holding any object that matches the structure of instances created by the Foo class which, in this case, means an x property that represents a number. That means even a plain JavaScript object will be accepted.

let f: Foo;
f = {
  x: 0


Thanks for sticking with me so far. Let’s get back to the code from the beginning:

interface Cat {
  weight: number;
  whiskers: number;
interface Dog {
  weight: number;
  friendly: boolean;

We know that this:

let animal: Dog;

…makes animal any object that has the same structure as the Dog interface. So what does the following mean?

let animal: Dog | Cat;

This types animal as any object that matches the Dog interface, or any object that matches the Cat interface.

So why does animal—as it exists now—only allow us to access the weight property? To put it simply, it’s because TypeScript does not know which type it is. TypeScript knows that animal has to be either a Dog or Cat, but it could be either (or both at the same time, but let’s keep it simple). We’d likely get runtime errors if we were allowed to access the friendly property, but the instance wound up being a Cat instead of a Dog. Likewise for the whiskers property if the object wound up being a Dog.

Type unions are unions of valid values rather than unions of properties. Developers often write something like this:

let animal: Dog | Cat;

…and expect animal to have the union of Dog and Cat properties. But again, that’s a mistake. This specifies animal as having a value that matches the union of valid Dog values and valid Cat values. But TypeScript will only allow you to access properties it knows are there. For now, that means properties on all the types in the union.


Right now, we have this:

let animal: Dog | Cat;

How do we properly treat animal as a Dog when it’s a Dog, and access properties on the Dog interface, and likewise when it’s a Cat? For now, we can use the in operator. This is an old-school JavaScript operator you probably don’t see very often, but it essentially allows us to test if a property is in an object. Like this:

let o = { a: 12 };

"a" in o; // true
"x" in o; // false

It turns out TypeScript is deeply integrated with the in operator. Let’s see how:

let animal: Dog | Cat = {} as any;

if ("friendly" in animal) {
} else {

This code produces no errors. When inside the if block, TypeScript knows there’s a friendly property, and therefore casts animal as a Dog. And when inside the else block, TypeScript similarly treats animal as a Cat. You can even see this if you hover over the animal object inside these blocks in your code editor:

Showing a tooltip open on top of a a TypeScript discriminated unions example that shows `let animal: Dog`.
Showing a tooltip open on top of a a TypeScript discriminated union example that shows `let animal: Cat`.

Discriminated unions

You might expect the blog post to end here but, unfortunately, narrowing type unions by checking for the existence of properties is incredibly limited. It worked well for our trivial Dog and Cat types, but things can easily get more complicated, and more fragile, when we have more types, as well as more overlap between those types.

This is where discriminated unions come in handy. We’ll keep everything the same from before, except add a property to each type whose only job is to distinguish (or “discriminate”) between the types:

interface Cat {
  weight: number;
  whiskers: number;
interface Dog {
  weight: number;
  friendly: boolean;

Note the ANIMAL_TYPE property on both types. Don’t mistake this as a string with two different values; this is a literal type. ANIMAL_TYPE: "CAT"; means a type that holds exactly the string "CAT", and nothing else.

And now our check becomes a bit more reliable:

let animal: Dog | Cat = {} as any;

if (animal.ANIMAL_TYPE === "DOG") {
} else {

Assuming each type participating in the union has a distinct value for the ANIMAL_TYPE property, this check becomes foolproof.

The only downside is that you now have a new property to deal with. Any time you create an instance of a Dog or a Cat, you have to supply the single correct value for the ANIMAL_TYPE. But don’t worry about forgetting because TypeScript will remind you. 🙂

Showing the TypeScript discriminated union for a createDog function that returns weight and friendly properties.
Screenshot of TypeScript displaying a warning in the code editor as a result of not providing a single value for the ANIMAL_TYPE property.

Further reading

If you’d like to learn more, I’d recommend the TypeScript docs on narrowing. That’ll provide some deeper coverage of what we went over here. Inside of that link is a section on type predicates. These allow you to define your own, custom checks to narrow types, without needing to use type discriminators, and without relying on the in keyword.


At the beginning of this article, I said it would make sense why weight is the only accessible property in the following example:

interface Cat {
  weight: number;
  whiskers: number;
interface Dog {
  weight: number;
  friendly: boolean;
let animal: Dog | Cat;

What we learned is that TypeScript only knows that animal could be either a Dog or a Cat, but not both. As such, all we get is weight, which is the only common property between the two.

The concept of discriminated unions is how TypeScript differentiates between those objects and does so in a way that scales extremely well, even with larger sets of objects. As such, we had to create a new ANIMAL_TYPE property on both types that holds a single literal value we can use to check against. Sure, it’s another thing to track, but it also produces more reliable results—which is what we want from TypeScript in the first place.

Demystifying TypeScript Discriminated Unions originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

]]> 8 362091
Making a Site Work Offline Using the VitePWA Plugin Tue, 18 Jan 2022 14:30:26 +0000 The VitePWA plugin from Anthony Fu is a fantastic tool for your Vite-powered sites. It helps you add a service worker that handles:

  • offline support
  • caching assets and content
  • prompting the user when new content is available
  • …and other goodies!

Making a Site Work Offline Using the VitePWA Plugin originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

The VitePWA plugin from Anthony Fu is a fantastic tool for your Vite-powered sites. It helps you add a service worker that handles:

  • offline support
  • caching assets and content
  • prompting the user when new content is available
  • …and other goodies!

We’ll walk through the concept of service workers together, then jump right into making one with the VitePWA plugin.

New to Vite? Check out my prior post for an introduction.

Table of Contents

  1. Service workers, introduced
  2. Versioning and manifests
  3. Our first service worker
  4. What about offline functionality?
  5. How service workers update
  6. A better way to update content
  7. Runtime caching
  8. Adding your own service worker content
  9. Wrapping up

Service workers, introduced

Before getting into the VitePWA plugin, let’s briefly talk about the Service Worker itself.

A service worker is a background process that runs on a separate thread in your web application. Service workers have the ability to intercept network requests and do… anything. The possibilities are surprisingly wide. For example, you could intercept requests for TypeScript files and compile them on the fly. Or you could intercept requests for video files and perform an advanced transcoding that the browser doesn’t currently support. More commonly though, a service worker is used to cache assets, both to improve a site’s performance and enable it to do something when it’s offline.

When someone first lands on your site, the service worker the VitePWA plugin creates installs, and caches all of your HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files by leveraging the Cache Storage API. The result is that, on subsequent visits to your site, the browser will load those resources from cache, rather than needing to make network requests. And even on the first visit to your site, since the service worker just pre-cached everything, the next place your user clicks will probably be pre-cached already, allowing the browser to completely bypass a network request.

Versioning and manifests

You might be wondering what happens with a service worker when your code is updated. If your service worker is caching, say, a foo.js file, and you modify that file, you want the service worker to pull down the updated version, the next time a user visits the site.

But in practice you don’t have a foo.js file. Usually, a build system will create something like foo-ABC123.js, where “ABC123” is a hash of the file. If you update foo.js, the next deployment of your site may send over foo-XYZ987.js. How does the service worker handle this?

It turns out the Service Worker API is an extremely low-level primitive. If you’re looking for a native turnkey solution between it and the cache API, you’ll be disappointed. Basically, the creation of your service worker needs to be automated, in part, and connected to the build system. You’d need to see all the assets your build created, hard-code those file names into the service worker, have code to pre-cache them, and more importantly, keep track of the files that are cached.

If code updates, the service worker file also changes, containing the new filenames, complete with hashes. When a user makes their next visit to the app, the new service worker will need to install, and compare the new file manifest with the manifest that’s currently in cache, ejecting files that are no longer needed, while caching the new content.

This is an absurd amount of work and incredibly difficult to get right. While it can be a fun project, in practice you’ll want to use an established product to generate your service worker — and the best product around is Workbox, which is from the folks at Google.

Even Workbox is a bit of a low-level primitive. It needs detailed information about the files you’re pre-caching, which are buried in your build tool. This is why we use the VitePWA plugin. It uses Workbox under the hood, and configures it with all the info it needs about the bundles that Vite creates. Unsurprisingly, there are also webpack and Rollup plugins if you happen to prefer working with those bundlers.

Our first service worker

I’ll assume you already have a Vite-based site. If not, feel free to create one from any of the available templates.

First, we install the VitePWA plugin:

npm i vite-plugin-pwa

We’ll import the plugin in our Vite config:

import { VitePWA } from "vite-plugin-pwa"

Then we put it to use in the config as well:

plugins: [

We’ll add more options in a bit, but that’s all we need to create a surprisingly useful service worker. Now let’s register it somewhere in the entry of our application with this code:

import { registerSW } from "virtual:pwa-register";

if ("serviceWorker" in navigator) {
  // && !/localhost/.test(window.location)) {

Don’t let the code that’s commented out throw you for a loop. It’s extremely important, in fact, as it prevents the service worker from running in development. We only want to install the service worker anywhere that’s not on the localhost where we’re developing, that is, unless we’re developing the service worker itself, in which case we can comment out that check (and revert before pushing code to the main branch).

Let’s go ahead and open a fresh browser, launch DevTools, navigate to the Network tab, and run the web app. Everything should load as you’d normally expect. The difference is that you should see a whole slew of network requests in DevTools.

A screenshot of DevTools listing all of the network requests for the currant app using the VitePWA plugin. There are a total of 16 various JavaScript and CSS files.

That’s Workbox pre-caching the bundles. Things are working!

What about offline functionality?

So, our service worker is pre-caching all of our bundled assets. That means it will serve those assets from cache without even needing to hit the network. Does that mean our service worker could serve assets even when the user has no network access? Indeed, it does!

And, believe it or not, it’s already done. Give it a try by opening the Network tab in DevTools and telling Chrome to simulate offline mode, like this.

Screenshot of the DevTools UO to simulate an offline connection with the select menu open. The No throttling option is currently checked but the Offline option is highlighted in light blue.
The “No throttling” option is the default selection. Click that and select the “Offline” option to simulate an offline connection.

Let’s refresh the page. You should see everything load. Of course, if you’re running any network requests, you’ll see them hang forever since you’re offline. Even here, though, there are things you can do. Modern browsers ship with their own internal, persistent database called IndexedDB. There’s nothing stopping you from writing your own code to sync some data to there, then write some custom service worker code to intercept network requests, determine if the user is offline, and then serve equivalent content from IndexedDB if it’s in there.

But a much simpler option is to detect if the user is offline, show a message about being offline, and then bypass the data requests. This is a topic unto itself, which I’ve written about in much greater detail.

Before showing you how to write, and integrate your own service worker content, let’s take a closer look at our existing service worker. In particular, let’s see how it manages updating/changing content. This is surprisingly tricky and easy to mess up, even with the VitePWA plugin.

Before moving on, make sure you tell Chrome DevTools to put you back online.

How service workers update

Take a closer look at what happens to our site when we change the content. We’ll go ahead and remove our existing service worker, which we can do in the Application tab of DevTools, under Storage.

Screenshot showing the Storage panel of DevTools. The DevTools menu is a panel on the left and the app usage is displayed in a panel on the right, showing that 508 kilobytes of data total is used, where 392 kilobytes are cached and 16.4 are service workers. A button to clear site data is below the Usage stats with a deep blue label and a light gray background.

Click the “Clear site data” button to get a clean slate. While I’m at it, I’m going to remove most of the routes of my own site so there’s fewer resources, then let Vite rebuild the app.

Look in the generated sw.js to see the generated Workbox service worker. There should be a pre-cache manifest inside of it. Mine looks like this:

A dark mode screenshot showing a list of eight asset urls inside of a precacheAndRoute function.

If sw.js is minified, run it through Prettier to make it easier to read.

Now let’s run the site and see what’s in our cache:

Let’s focus on the settings.js file. Vite generated assets/settings.ccb080c2.js based on the hash of its contents. Workbox, being independent of Vite, generated its own hash of the same file. If that same file name were to be generated with different content, then a new service worker would be re-generated, with a different pre-cache manifest (same file, but different revision) and Workbox would know to cache the new version, and remove the old when it’s no longer needed.

Again, the filenames will always be different since we’re using a bundler that injects hash codes into our file names, but Workbox supports dev environments which don’t do that.

Since the time writing, the VitePWA plugin has been updated and no longer injects these revision hashes. If you’re attempting to follow along with the steps in this article, this specific step might be slightly different from your actual experience. See this GitHub issue for more context.

If we update our settings.js file, then Vite will create a new file in our build, with a new hash code, which Workbox will treat as a new file. Let’s see this in action. After changing the file and re-running the Vite build, our pre-cache manifest looks like this:

Now, when we refresh the page, the prior service worker is still running and loading the prior file. Then, the new service worker, with the new pre-cache manifest is downloaded and pre-cached.

A DevTools screenshot showing a table of pre-cached assets processed by the VitePWA plugin and Workbox.
The new pre-cached manifest is displayed in the list of cached assets. Notice that both versions of our settings file are there (and both versions of a few other assets were affected as well): the old version, since that’s what’s still being run, and the new version, since the new service worker has pre-cached it.

Note the corollary here: our old content is still being served to the user since the old service worker is still running. The user is unable to see the change we just made, even if they refresh because the service worker, by default, guarantees any and all tabs with this web app are running the same version. If you want the browser to show the updated version, close your tab (and any other tabs with the site), and re-open it.

The same DevTools screenshot of pre-cached assets, but now only displaying new assets instead of duplicates.
The cache should now only contain the new assets.

Workbox did all the legwork of making this all come out right! We did very little to get this going.

A better way to update content

It’s unlikely that you can get away with serving stale content to your users until they happen to close all their browser tabs. Fortunately, the VitePWA plugin offers a better way. The registerSW function accepts an object with an onNeedRefresh method. This method is called whenever there’s a new service worker waiting to take over. registerSW also returns a function that you can call to reload the page, activating the new service worker in the process.

That’s a lot, so let’s see some code:

if ("serviceWorker" in navigator) {
  // && !/localhost/.test(window.location) && !/ {
  const updateSW = registerSW({
    onNeedRefresh() {
        text: `<h4 style='display: inline'>An update is available!</h4>
               <a class='do-sw-update'>Click to update and reload</a>  `,
        escapeMarkup: false,
        gravity: "bottom",
        onClick() {

I’m using the toastify-js library to show a toast UI component to let users know when a new version of the service worker is available and waiting. If the user clicks the toast, I call the function VitePWA gives me to reload the page, with the new service worker running.

A toast component screenshot with white text and a slight background gradient that goes from light blue on the left to bright blue on the right. It reads: an update is available! Click to update and reload.
Now when we have pending updates, a nice toast component pops up on the front end. Clicking it reloads the page with the new content in there.

One thing to remember here is that, after you deploy the code to show the toast, the toast component won’t show up the next time you load your site. That’s because the old service worker (the one before we added the toast component) is still running. That requires manually closing all tabs and re-opening the web app for the new service worker to take over. Then, the next time you update some code, the service worker should show the toast, prompting you to update.

Why doesn’t the service worker update when the page is refreshed? I mentioned earlier that refreshing the page does not update or activate the waiting service worker, so why does this work? Calling this method doesn’t only refresh the page, but it calls some low-level Service Worker APIs (in particular skipWaiting) as well, giving us the outcome we want.

Runtime caching

We’ve seen the bundle pre-caching we get for free with VitePWA for our build assets. What about caching any other content we might request at runtime? Workbox supports this via its runtimeCaching feature.

Here’s how. The VitePWA plugin can take an object, one property of which is workbox, which takes Workbox properties.

const getCache = ({ name, pattern }: any) => ({
  urlPattern: pattern,
  handler: "CacheFirst" as const,
  options: {
    cacheName: name,
    expiration: {
      maxEntries: 500,
      maxAgeSeconds: 60 * 60 * 24 * 365 * 2 // 2 years
    cacheableResponse: {
      statuses: [200]
// ...

  plugins: [
      workbox: {
        runtimeCaching: [
            pattern: /^https:\/\/\/my-library-cover-uploads/, 
            name: "local-images1" 
            pattern: /^https:\/\/, 
            name: "local-images2" 
// ...

I know, that’s a lot of code. But all it’s really doing is telling Workbox to cache anything it sees matching those URL patterns. The docs provide much more info if you want to get deep into specifics.

Now, after that update takes effect, we can see those resources being served by our service worker.

DevTools screenshot showing the resources that are loaded by the browser. There are four jpeg images.

And we can see the corresponding cache that was created.

DevTools screenshot showing the new cache instance that is stored in Cache Storage. It includes all of the cached images.

Adding your own service worker content

Let’s say you want to get advanced with your service worker. You want to add some code to sync data with IndexedDB, add fetch handlers, and respond with IndexedDB data when the user is offline (again, my prior post walks through the ins and outs of IndexedDB). But how do you put your own code into the service worker that Vite creates for us?

There’s another Workbox option we can use for this: importScripts.

  workbox: {
    importScripts: ["sw-code.js"],

Here, the service worker will request sw-code.js at runtime. In that case, make sure there’s an sw-code.js file that can be served by your application. The easiest way to achieve that is to put it in the public folder (see the Vite docs for detailed instructions).

If this file starts to grow to a size such that you need to break things up with JavaScript imports, make sure you bundle it to prevent your service worker from trying to execute import statements (which it may or may not be able to do). You can create a separate Vite build instead.

Wrapping up

At the end of 2021, CSS-Tricks asked a bunch of front-end folks what one thing someone cans do to make their website better. Chris Ferdinandi suggested a service worker. Well, that’s exactly what we accomplished in this article and it was relatively simple, wasn’t it? That’s thanks to the VitePWA with hat tips to Workbox and the Cache API.

Service workers that leverage the Cache API are capable of greatly improving the perf of your web app. And while it might seem a little scary or confusing at first, it’s nice to know we have tools like the VitePWA plugin to simplify things a great deal. Install the plugin and let it do the heavy lifting. Sure, there are more advanced things that a service worker can do, and VitePWA can be used for more complex functionality, but an offline site is a fantastic starting point!

Making a Site Work Offline Using the VitePWA Plugin originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

]]> 1 361001
Adding Vite to Your Existing Web App Tue, 11 Jan 2022 15:38:06 +0000 Vite (pronounced “veet”) is a newish JavaScript bundler. It comes batteries-included, requires almost no configuration to be useful, and includes plenty of configuration options. Oh—and it’s fast. Incredibly fast.

This post will walk through the process of converting an existing …

Adding Vite to Your Existing Web App originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

Vite (pronounced “veet”) is a newish JavaScript bundler. It comes batteries-included, requires almost no configuration to be useful, and includes plenty of configuration options. Oh—and it’s fast. Incredibly fast.

This post will walk through the process of converting an existing project to Vite. We’ll cover things like aliases, shimming webpack’s dotenv handling, and server proxying. In other words, we’re looking at how to move a project from its existing bundler to Vite. If you’re looking instead to start a fresh project, you’ll want to jump to their documentation.

Long story, short: the CLI will ask for your framework of choice—React, Preact, Svelte, Vue, Vanilla, or even lit-html—and whether you want TypeScript, then give you a fully functioning project.

Scaffold first! If you are interested in learning about integrating Vite into a legacy project, I’d still recommend scaffolding an empty project and poking around it a bit. At times, I’ll be pasting some clumps of code, but most of that comes straight from the default Vite template.

Our use case

What we’re looking at is based on my own experience migrating the webpack build of my booklist project (repo). There isn’t anything particularly special about this project, but it’s fairly big and old, and leaned hard on webpack. So, in that sense, it’s a good opportunity to see some of Vite’s more useful configuration options in action as we migrate to it.

What we won’t need

One of the most compelling reasons to reach for Vite is that it already does a lot right out of the box, incorporating many of the responsibilities from other frameworks so there are fewer dependencies and a more established baseline for configurations and conventions.

So, instead of starting by calling out what we need to get started, let’s go over all the common webpack things we don’t need because Vite gives them to us for free.

Static asset loading

We usually need to add something like this in webpack:

  test: /\.(png|jpg|gif|svg|eot|woff|woff2|ttf)$/,
  use: [
      loader: "file-loader"

This takes any references to font files, images, SVG files, etc., and copies them over to your dist folder so they can be referenced from your new bundles. This comes standard in Vite.


I say “styles” as opposed to “css” intentionally here because, with webpack, you might have something like this:

  test: /\.s?css$/,
  use: [MiniCssExtractPlugin.loader, "css-loader", "sass-loader"]

// later

new MiniCssExtractPlugin({ filename: "[name]-[contenthash].css" }),

…which allows the application to import CSS or SCSS files. You’ll grow tired of hearing me say this, but Vite supports this out of the box. Just be sure to install Sass itself into your project, and Vite will handle the rest.

Transpilation / TypeScript

It’s likely your code is using TypeScript, and or non-standard JavaScript features, like JSX. If that’s the case, you’ll need to transpile your code to remove those things and produce plain old JavaScript that a browser (or JavaScript parser) can understand. In webpack that would look something like this:

  test: /\.(t|j)sx?$/,
  exclude: /node_modules/,
  loader: "babel-loader"

…with a corresponding Babel configuration to specify the appropriate plugins which, for me, looked like this:

  "presets": ["@babel/preset-typescript"],
  "plugins": [

While I could have probably stopped using those first two plugins years ago, it doesn’t really matter since, as I’m sure you’ve guessed, Vite does this all for us. It takes your code, removes any TypeScript and JSX, and produces code supported by modern browsers.

If you’d like to support older browsers (and I’m not saying you should), then there’s a plugin for that.


Surprisingly, webpack requires you to tell it to resolve imports from node_modules, which we do with this:

resolve: {
  modules: [path.resolve("./node_modules")]

As expected, Vite already does this.

Production mode

One of the common things we do in webpack is distinguish between production and development environments by manually passing a mode property, like this:

mode: isProd ? "production" : "development",

…which we normally surmise with something like this:

const isProd = process.env.NODE_ENV == "production";

And, of course, we set that environment variable via our build process.

Vite handles this a bit differently and gives us different commands to run for development builds versus those for production, which we’ll get into shortly.

File extensions

At the risk of belaboring the point, I’ll quickly note that Vite also doesn’t require you to specify every file extension you’re using.

resolve: {
  extensions: [".ts", ".tsx", ".js"],

Just set up the right kind of Vite project, and you’re good to go.

Rollup plugins are compatible!

This is such a key point I wanted to call it out in its own section. If you still wind up with some webpack plugins you need to replace in your Vite app when you finish this blog post, then try to find an equivalent Rollup plugin and use that. You read that correctly: Rollup plugins are already (or usually, at least) compatible with Vite. Some Rollup plugins, of course, do things that are incompatible with how Vite works—but in general, they should just work.

For more info, check out the docs.

Your first Vite project

Remember, we’re moving an existing legacy webpack project to Vite. If you’re building something new, it’s better to start a new Vite project and go from there. That said, the initial code I’m showing you is basically copied right from what Vite scaffolds from a fresh project anyway, so taking a moment to scaffold a new project might also a good idea for you to compare processes.

The HTML entry point

Yeah, you read that right. Rather than putting HTML integration behind a plugin, like webpack does, Vite is HTML first. It expects an HTML file with a script tag to your JavaScript entrypoint, and generates everything from there.

Here’s the HTML file (which Vite expects to be called index.html) we’re starting with:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8" />
    <title>The GOAT of web apps</title>
    <div id="home"></div>
    <script type="module" src="/reactStartup.tsx"></script>

Note that the <script> tag points to /reactStartup.tsx. Adjust that to your own entry as needed.

Let’s install a few things, like a React plugin:

npm i vite @vitejs/plugin-react @types/node

We also create the following vite.config.ts right next to the index.html file in the project directory.

import { defineConfig } from "vite";
import react from "@vitejs/plugin-react";

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [react()]

Lastly, let’s add a few new npm scripts:

"dev": "vite",
"build": "vite build",
"preview": "vite preview",

Now, let’s start Vite’s development server with npm run dev. It’s incredibly fast, and incrementally builds whatever it needs to, based on what’s requested.

But, unfortunately, it fails. At least for right now.

Screenshot of a terminal screen with a dark background and light text. There is an error in read that says there was an error when starting the development server.

We’ll get to how to set up aliases in a moment, but for now, let’s instead modify our reactStartup file (or whatever your entry file is called) as follows:

import React from "react";
import { render } from "react-dom";

    <h1>Hi there</h1>

Now we can run it our npm run dev command and browse to localhost:3000.

Screenshot of a terminal window with a black background and light text. Green text says the development server is running at localhost.
Screenshot of a blank white page that says hi there in black in a default serif font.

Hot module reloading (HMR)

Now that the development server is running, try modifying your source code. The output should update almost immediately via Vite’s HMR. This is one of Vite’s nicest features. It makes the development experience so much nicer when changes seem to reflect immediately rather than having to wait, or even trigger them ourselves.

The rest of this post will go over all the things I had to do to get my own app to build and run with Vite. I hope some of them are relevant for you!


It’s not uncommon for webpack-based projects to have some config like this:

resolve: {
  alias: {
    jscolor: "util/jscolor.js"
  modules: [path.resolve("./"), path.resolve("./node_modules")]

This sets up an alias to jscolor at the provided path, and tells webpack to look both in the root folder (./) and in node_modules when resolving imports. This allows us to have imports like this:

import { thing } from "util/helpers/foo"

…anywhere in our component tree, assuming there’s a util folder at the very top.

Vite doesn’t allow you to provide an entire folder for resolution like this, but it does allow you to specify aliases, which follow the same rules as the @rollup/plugin-alias:

import { defineConfig } from "vite";
import react from "@vitejs/plugin-react";

import path from "path";

export default defineConfig({
  resolve: {
    alias: {
      jscolor: path.resolve("./util/jscolor.js"),
      app: path.resolve("./app"),
      css: path.resolve("./css"),
      util: path.resolve("./util")
  plugins: [react()]

We’ve added a resolve.alias section, including entries for everything we need to alias. Our jscolor util is set to the relevant module, and we have aliases for our top-level directories. Now we can import from app/, css*/*, and util/ from any component, anywhere.

Note that these aliases only apply to the root of the import, e.g. util/foo. If you have some other util folder deeper in your tree, and you reference it with this:

import { thing } from "./helpers/util";

…then the alias above will not mess that up. This distinction is not well documented, but you can see it in the Rollup alias plugin. Vite’s alias matches that same behavior.

Environment variables

Vite, of course, supports environment variables. It reads config values out of your .env files in development, or process.env, and injects them into your code. Unfortunately, things work a bit differently than what you might be used to. First, it does not replace process.env.FOO but rather import.meta.env.FOO. Not only that, but it only replaces variables prefixed with VITE_ by default. So, import.meta.env.VITE_FOO would actually be replaced, but not my original FOO. This prefix can be configured, but not set to empty string.

For a legacy project, you could grep and replace all your environment variables to use import.meta.env, then add a VITE_ prefix, update your .env files, and update the environment variables in whatever CI/CD system you use. Or you can configure the more classic behavior of replacing process.env.ANYTHING with values from a .env file in development, or the real process.env value in production.

Here’s how. Vite’s define feature is basically what we need. This registers global variables during development, and does raw text replacement for production. We need to set things up so that we manually read our .env file in development mode, and the process.env object in production mode, and then add the appropriate define entries.

Let’s build that all into a Vite plugin. First, run npm i dotenv.

Now let’s look at the code for the plugin:

import dotenv from "dotenv";

const isProd = process.env.NODE_ENV === "production";
const envVarSource = isProd ? process.env : dotenv.config().parsed;

export const dotEnvReplacement = () => {
  const replacements = Object.entries(envVarSource).reduce((obj, [key, val]) => {
    obj[`process.env.${key}`] = `"${val}"`;
    return obj;
  }, {});

  return {
    name: "dotenv-replacement",
    config(obj) {
      obj.define = obj.define || {};
      Object.assign(obj.define, replacements);

Vite sets process.env.NODE_ENV for us, so all we need to do is check that to see which mode we’re in.

Now we get the actual environment variables. If we’re in production, we grab process.env itself. If we’re in dev, we ask dotenv to grab our .env file, parse it, and get back an object with all the values.

Our plugin is a function that returns a Vite plugin object. We inject our environment values into a new object that has process.env. in front of the value, and then we return our actual plugin object. There is a number of hooks available to use. Here, though, we only need the config hook, which allows us to modify the current config object. We add a define entry if none exists, then add all our values.

But before moving forward, I want to note that the Vite’s environment variables limitations we are working around exist for a reason. The code above is how bundlers are frequently configured, but that still means any random value in process.env is stuck into your source code if that key exists. There are potential security concerns there, so please keep that in mind.

Server proxy

What does your deployed web application look like? If all it’s doing is serving JavaScript/CSS/HTML—with literally everything happening via separate services located elsewhere—then good! You’re effectively done. What I’ve shown you should be all you need. Vite’s development server will serve your assets as needed, which pings all your services just like they did before.

But what if your web app is small enough that you have some services running right on your web server? For the project I’m converting, I have a GraphQL endpoint running on my web server. For development, I start my Express server, which previously knew how to serve the assets that webpack generated. I also start a webpack watch task to generate those assets.

But with Vite shipping its own dev server, we need to start that Express server (on a separate port than what Vite uses) and then proxy calls to /graphql over to there:

server: {
  proxy: {
    "/graphql": "http://localhost:3001"

This tells Vite that any requests for /graphql should be sent to http://localhost:3001/graphql.

Note that we do not set the proxy to http://localhost:3001/graphql in the config. Instead, we set it to http://localhost:3001 and rely on Vite to add the /graphql part (as well any any query arguments) to the path.

Building libs

As a quick bonus section, let’s briefly discuss building libraries. For example, what if all you want to build is a JavaScript file, e.g. a library like Redux. There’s no associated HTML file, so you’ll first need to tell Vite what to make:

build: {
  outDir: "./public",
  lib: {
    entry: "./src/index.ts",
    formats: ["cjs"],
    fileName: "my-bundle.js"

Tell Vite where to put the generated bundle, what to call it, and what formats to build. Note that I’m using CommonJS here instead of ES modules since the ES modules do not minify (as of this writing) due to concerns that it could break tree-shaking.

You’d run this build with vite build. To start a watch and have the library rebuild on change, you’d run

vite build --watch.

Wrapping up

Vite is an incredibly exciting tool. Not only does it take the pain, and tears out of bundling web apps, but it greatly improves the performance of doing so in the process. It ships with a blazingly fast development server that ships with hot module reloading and supports all major JavaScript frameworks. If you do web development—whether it’s for fun, it’s your job, or both!—I can’t recommend it strongly enough.

Adding Vite to Your Existing Web App originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

]]> 5 359243
React Suspense: Lessons Learned While Loading Data Tue, 09 Nov 2021 15:20:10 +0000 Suspense is React’s forthcoming feature that helps coordinate asynchronous actions—like data loading—allowing you to easily prevent inconsistent state in your UI. I’ll provide a better explanation of what exactly that means, along with a quick introduction of Suspense, and then …

React Suspense: Lessons Learned While Loading Data originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

Suspense is React’s forthcoming feature that helps coordinate asynchronous actions—like data loading—allowing you to easily prevent inconsistent state in your UI. I’ll provide a better explanation of what exactly that means, along with a quick introduction of Suspense, and then go over a somewhat realistic use case, and cover some lessons learned.

The features I’m covering are still in the alpha stage, and should by no means be used in production. This post is for folks who want to take a sneak peek at what’s coming, and see what the future looks like.

A Suspense primer

One of the more challenging parts of application development is coordinating application state and how data loads. It’s common for a state change to trigger new data loads in multiple locations. Typically, each piece of data would have its own loading UI (like a “spinner”), roughly where that data lives in the application. The asynchronous nature of data loading means each of these requests can be returned in any order. As a result, not only will your app have a bunch of different spinners popping in and out, but worse, your application might display inconsistent data. If two out of three of your data loads have completed, you’ll have a loading spinner sitting on top of that third location, still displaying the old, now outdated data.

I know that was a lot. If you find any of that baffling, you might be interested in a prior post I wrote about Suspense. That goes into much more detail on what Suspense is and what it accomplishes. Just note that a few minor pieces of it are now outdated, namely, the useTransition hook no longer takes a timeoutMs value, and waits as long as needed instead.

Now let’s do a quick walkthrough of the details, then get into a specific use case, which has a few lurking gotchas.

How does Suspense work?

Fortunately, the React team was smart enough to not limit these efforts to just loading data. Suspense works via low-level primitives, which you can apply to just about anything. Let’s take a quick look at these primitives.

First up is the <Suspense> boundary, which takes a fallback prop:

<Suspense fallback={<Fallback />}>

Whenever any child under this component suspends, it renders the fallback. No matter how many children are suspending, for whatever reason, the fallback is what shows. This is one way React ensures a consistent UI—it won’t render anything, until everything is ready.

But what about after things have rendered, initially, and now the user changes state, and loads new data. We certainly don’t want our existing UI to vanish and display our fallback; that would be a poor UX. Instead, we probably want to show one loading spinner, until all data are ready, and then show the new UI.

The useTransition hook accomplishes this. This hook returns a function and a boolean value. We call the function and wrap our state changes. Now things get interesting. React attempts to apply our state change. If anything suspends, React sets that boolean to true, then waits for the suspension to end. When it does, it’ll try to apply the state change again. Maybe it’ll succeed this time, or maybe something else suspends instead. Whatever the case, the boolean flag stays true until everything is ready, and then, and only then, does the state change complete and get reflected in the UI.

Lastly, how do we suspend? We suspend by throwing a promise. If data is requested, and we need to fetch, then we fetch—and throw a promise that’s tied to that fetch. The suspension mechanism being at a low level like this means we can use it with anything. The React.lazy utility for lazy loading components works with Suspense already, and I’ve previously written about using Suspense to wait until images are loaded before displaying a UI in order to prevent content from shifting.

Don’t worry, we’ll get into all this.

What we’re building

We’ll build something slightly different than the examples of many other posts like this. Remember, Suspense is still in alpha, so your favorite data loading utility probably doesn’t have Suspense support just yet. But that doesn’t mean we can’t fake a few things and get an idea of how Suspense works.

Let’s build an infinite loading list that displays some data, combined with some Suspense-based preloaded images. We’ll display our data, along with a button to load more. As data renders, we’ll preload the associated image, and Suspend until it’s ready.

This use case is based on actual work I’ve done on my side project (again, don’t use Suspense in production—but side projects are fair game). I was using my own GraphQL client, and this post is motivated by some of the difficulties I ran into. We’ll just fake the data loading in order to keep things simple and focus on Suspense itself, rather than any individual data loading utility.

Let’s build!

Here’s the sandbox for our initial attempt. We’re going to use it to walk through everything, so don’t feel pressured to understand all the code right now.

Our root App component renders a Suspense boundary like this:

<Suspense fallback={<Fallback />}>

Whenever anything suspends (unless the state change happened in a useTransition call), the fallback is what renders. To make things easier to follow, I made this Fallback component turn the entire UI pink, that way it’s tough to miss; our goal is to understand Suspense, not to build a quality UI.

We’re loading the current chunk of data inside of our DataList component:

const newData = useQuery(param);

Our useQuery hook is hardcoded to return fake data, including a timeout that simulates a network request. It handles caching the results and throws a promise if the data is not yet cached.

We’re keeping (at least for now) state in the master list of data we’re displaying:

const [data, setData] = useState([]);

As new data comes in from our hook, we append it to our master list:

useEffect(() => {
  setData((d) => d.concat(newData));
}, [newData]);

Lastly, when the user wants more data, they click the button, which calls this:

function loadMore() {
  startTransition(() => {
    setParam((x) => x + 1);

Finally, note that I’m using a SuspenseImg component to handle preloading the image I’m displaying with each piece of data. There are only five random images being displayed, but I’m adding a query string to ensure a fresh load for each new piece of data we encounter.


To summarize where we are at this point, we have a hook that loads the current data. The hook obeys Suspense mechanics, and throws a promise while loading is happening. Whenever that data changes, the running total list of items is updated and appended with the new items. This happens in useEffect. Each item renders an image, and we use a SuspenseImg component to preload the image, and suspend until it’s ready. If you’re curious how some of that code works, check out my prior post on preloading images with Suspense.

Let’s test

This would be a pretty boring blog post if everything worked, and don’t worry, it doesn’t. Notice how, on the initial load, the pink fallback screen shows and then quickly hides, but then is redisplayed.

When we click the button that’s loads more data, we see the inline loading indicator (controlled by the useTransition hook) flip to true. Then we see it flip to false, before our original pink fallback shows. We were expecting to never see that pink screen again after the initial load; the inline loading indicator was supposed to show until everything was ready. What’s going on?

The problem

It’s been hiding right here in plain sight the entire time:

useEffect(() => {
  setData((d) => d.concat(newData));
}, [newData]);

useEffect runs when a state change is complete, i.e., a state change has finished suspending, and has been applied to the DOM. That part, “has finished suspending,” is key here. We can set state in here if we’d like, but if that state change suspends, again, that is a brand new suspension. That’s why we saw the pink flash on initial load, as well subsequent loads when the data finished loading. In both cases, the data loading was finished, and then we set state in an effect which caused that new data to actually render, and suspend again, because of the image preloads.

So, how do we fix this? On one level, the solution is simple: stop setting state in the effect. But that’s easier said than done. How do we update our running list of entries to append new results as they come in, without using an effect. You might think we could track things with a ref.

Unfortunately, Suspense comes with some new rules about refs, namely, we can’t set refs inside of a render. If you’re wondering why, remember that Suspense is all about React attempting to run a render, seeing that promise get thrown, and then discarding that render midway through. If we mutated a ref before that render was cancelled and discarded, the ref would still have that changed, but invalid value. The render function needs to be pure, without side effects. This has always been a rule with React, but it matters more now.

Re-thinking our data loading

Here’s the solution, which we’ll go over, piece by piece.

First, instead of storing our master list of data in state, let’s do something different: let’s store a list of pages we’re viewing. We can store the most recent page in a ref (we won’t write to it in render, though), and we’ll store an array of all currently-loaded pages in state.

const currentPage = useRef(0);
const [pages, setPages] = useState([currentPage.current]);

In order to load more data, we’ll update accordingly:

function loadMore() {
  startTransition(() => {
    currentPage.current = currentPage.current + 1;
    setPages((pages) => pages.concat(currentPage.current));

The tricky part, however, is turning those page numbers into actual data. What we certainly cannot do is loop over those pages and call our useQuery hook; hooks cannot be called in a loop. What we need is a new, non-hook-based data API. Based on a very unofficial convention I’ve seen in past Suspense demos, I’ll name this method read(). It is not going to be a hook. It returns the requested data if it’s cached, or throws a promise otherwise. For our fake data loading hook, no real changes were necessary; I simple copy-and-pasted the hook, then renamed it. But for an actual data loading utility library, authors will likely need to do some work to expose both options as part of their public API. In my GraphQL client referenced earlier, there is indeed both a useSuspenseQuery hook, and also a read() method on the client object.

With this new read() method in place, the final piece of our code is trivial:

const data = pages.flatMap((page) => read(page));

We’re taking each page, and requesting the corresponding data with our read() method. If any of the pages are uncached (which really should only be the last page in the list) then a promise is thrown, and React suspends for us. When the promise resolves, React attempts the prior state change again, and this code runs again.

Don’t let the flatMap call confuse you. That does the exact same thing as map except it takes each result in the new array and, if it itself is an array, “flattens” it.

The result

With these changes in place, everything works as we expected it to when we started. Our pink loading screen shows once on their initial load, then, on subsequent loads, the inline loading state shows until everything is ready.

Parting thoughts

Suspense is an exciting update that’s coming to React. It’s still in the alpha stages, so don’t try to use it anywhere that matters. But if you’re the kind of developer who enjoys taking a sneak peek at upcoming things, then I hope this post provided you some good context and info that’s useful when this releases.

React Suspense: Lessons Learned While Loading Data originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

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Svelte for the Experienced React Dev Fri, 21 May 2021 14:30:59 +0000 This post is an accelerated introduction to Svelte from the point of view of someone with solid experience with React. I’ll provide a quick introduction, and then shift focus to things like state management and DOM interoperability, among other things. …

Svelte for the Experienced React Dev originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

This post is an accelerated introduction to Svelte from the point of view of someone with solid experience with React. I’ll provide a quick introduction, and then shift focus to things like state management and DOM interoperability, among other things. I plan on moving somewhat quickly, so I can cover a lot of topics. At the end of the day, I’m mainly hoping to spark some interest in Svelte.

For a straightforward introduction to Svelte, no blog post could ever beat the official tutorial or docs.

“Hello, World!” Svelte style

Let’s start with a quick tour of what a Svelte component looks like.

  let number = 0;

  h1 {
    color: blue;

<h1>Value: {number}</h1>

<button on:click={() => number++}>Increment</button>
<button on:click={() => number--}>Decrement</button> 

That content goes in a .svelte file, and is processed by the Rollup or webpack plugin to produce a Svelte component. There’s a few pieces here. Let’s walk through them.

First, we add a <script> tag with any state we need.

We can also add a <style> tag with any CSS we want. These styles are scoped to the component in such a way that, here, <h1> elements in this component will be blue. Yes, scoped styles are built into Svelte, without any need for external libraries. With React, you’d typically need to use a third-party solution to achieve scoped styling, such as css-modules, styled-components, or the like (there are dozens, if not hundreds, of choices).

Then there’s the HTML markup. As you’d expect, there are some HTML bindings you’ll need to learn, like {#if}, {#each}, etc. These domain-specific language features might seem like a step back from React, where everything is “just JavaScript.” But there’s a few things worth noting: Svelte allows you to put arbitrary JavaScript inside of these bindings. So something like this is perfectly valid:

{#if childSubjects?.length}

If you jumped into React from Knockout or Ember and never looked back, this might come as a (happy) surprise to you.

Also, the way Svelte processes its components is very different from React. React re-runs all components any time any state within a component, or anywhere in an ancestor (unless you “memoize”), changes. This can get inefficient, which is why React ships things like useCallback and useMemo to prevent un-needed re-calculations of data.

Svelte, on the other hand, analyzes your template, and creates targeted DOM update code whenever any relevant state changes. In the component above, Svelte will see the places where number changes, and add code to update the <h1> text after the mutation is done. This means you never have to worry about memoizing functions or objects. In fact, you don’t even have to worry about side-effect dependency lists, although we’ll get to that in a bit.

But first, let’s talk about …

State management

In React, when we need to manage state, we use the useState hook. We provide it an initial value, and it returns a tuple with the current value, and a function we can use to set a new value. It looks something like this:

import React, { useState } from "react";

export default function (props) {
  const [number, setNumber] = useState(0);
  return (
      <h1>Value: {number}</h1>
      <button onClick={() => setNumber(n => n + 1)}>Increment</button>
      <button onClick={() => setNumber(n => n - 1)}>Decrement</button>

Our setNumber function can be passed wherever we’d like, to child components, etc.

Things are simpler in Svelte. We can create a variable, and update it as needed. Svelte’s ahead-of-time compilation (as opposed to React’s just-in-time compilation) will do the footwork of tracking where it’s updated, and force an update to the DOM. The same simple example from above might look like this:

  let number = 0;

<h1>Value: {number}</h1>
<button on:click={() => number++}>Increment</button>
<button on:click={() => number--}>Decrement</button>

Also of note here is that Svelte requires no single wrapping element like JSX does. Svelte has no equivalent of the React fragment <></> syntax, since it’s not needed.

But what if we want to pass an updater function to a child component so it can update this piece of state, like we can with React? We can just write the updater function like this:

  import Component3a from "./Component3a.svelte";
  let number = 0;
  const setNumber = cb => number = cb(number);

<h1>Value: {number}</h1>

<button on:click={() => setNumber(val => val + 1)}>Increment</button>
<button on:click={() => setNumber(val => val - 1)}>Decrement</button>

Now, we pass it where needed — or stay tuned for a more automated solution.

Reducers and stores

React also has the useReducer hook, which allows us to model more complex state. We provide a reducer function, and it gives us the current value, and a dispatch function that allows us to invoke the reducer with a given argument, thereby triggering a state update, to whatever the reducer returns. Our counter example from above might look like this:

import React, { useReducer } from "react";

function reducer(currentValue, action) {
  switch (action) {
    case "INC":
      return currentValue + 1;
    case "DEC":
      return currentValue - 1;

export default function (props) {
  const [number, dispatch] = useReducer(reducer, 0);
  return (
      <h1>Value: {number}</h1>
      <button onClick={() => dispatch("INC")}>Increment</button>
      <button onClick={() => dispatch("DEC")}>Decrement</button>

Svelte doesn’t directly have something like this, but what it does have is called a store. The simplest kind of store is a writable store. It’s an object that holds a value. To set a new value, you can call set on the store and pass the new value, or you can call update, and pass in a callback function, which receives the current value, and returns the new value (exactly like React’s useState).

To read the current value of a store at a moment in time, there’s a get function that can be called, which returns its current value. Stores also have a subscribe function, which we can pass a callback to, and that will run whenever the value changes.

Svelte being Svelte, there’s some nice syntactic shortcuts to all of this. If you’re inside of a component, for example, you can just prefix a store with the dollar sign to read its value, or directly assign to it, to update its value. Here’s the counter example from above, using a store, with some extra side-effect logging, to demonstrate how subscribe works:

  import { writable, derived } from "svelte/store";
  let writableStore = writable(0);
  let doubleValue = derived(writableStore, $val => $val * 2);
  writableStore.subscribe(val => console.log("current value", val));
  doubleValue.subscribe(val => console.log("double value", val))

<h1>Value: {$writableStore}</h1>

<!-- manually use update -->
<button on:click={() => writableStore.update(val => val + 1)}>Increment</button>
<!-- use the $ shortcut -->
<button on:click={() => $writableStore--}>Decrement</button>

<br />

Double the value is {$doubleValue}

Notice that I also added a derived store above. The docs cover this in depth, but briefly, derived stores allow you to project one store (or many stores) to a single, new value, using the same semantics as a writable store.

Stores in Svelte are incredibly flexible. We can pass them to child components, alter, combine them, or even make them read-only by passing through a derived store; we can even re-create some of the React abstractions you might like, or even need, if we’re converting some React code over to Svelte.

React APIs with Svelte

With all that out of the way, let’s return to React’s useReducer hook from before.

Let’s say we really like defining reducer functions to maintain and update state. Let’s see how difficult it would be to leverage Svelte stores to mimic React’s useReducer API. We basically want to call our own useReducer, pass in a reducer function with an initial value, and get back a store with the current value, as well as a dispatch function that invokes the reducer and updates our store. Pulling this off is actually not too bad at all.

export function useReducer(reducer, initialState) {
  const state = writable(initialState);
  const dispatch = (action) =>
    state.update(currentState => reducer(currentState, action));
  const readableState = derived(state, ($state) => $state);

  return [readableState, dispatch];

The usage in Svelte is almost identical to React. The only difference is that our current value is a store, rather than a raw value, so we need to prefix it with the $ to read the value (or manually call get or subscribe on it).

  import { useReducer } from "./useReducer";
  function reducer(currentValue, action) {
    switch (action) {
      case "INC":
        return currentValue + 1;
      case "DEC":
        return currentValue - 1;
  const [number, dispatch] = useReducer(reducer, 0);      

<h1>Value: {$number}</h1>

<button on:click={() => dispatch("INC")}>Increment</button>
<button on:click={() => dispatch("DEC")}>Decrement</button>

What about useState?

If you really love the useState hook in React, implementing that is just as straightforward. In practice, I haven’t found this to be a useful abstraction, but it’s a fun exercise that really shows Svelte’s flexibility.

export function useState(initialState) {
  const state = writable(initialState);
  const update = (val) =>
    state.update(currentState =>
      typeof val === "function" ? val(currentState) : val
  const readableState = derived(state, $state => $state);

  return [readableState, update];

Are two-way bindings really evil?

Before closing out this state management section, I’d like to touch on one final trick that’s specific to Svelte. We’ve seen that Svelte allows us to pass updater functions down the component tree in any way that we can with React. This is frequently to allow child components to notify their parents of state changes. We’ve all done it a million times. A child component changes state somehow, and then calls a function passed to it from a parent, so the parent can be made aware of that state change.

In addition to supporting this passing of callbacks, Svelte also allows a parent component to two-way bind to a child’s state. For example, let’s say we have this component:

<!-- Child.svelte -->
  export let val = 0;

<button on:click={() => val++}>

Child: {val}

This creates a component, with a val prop. The export keyword is how components declare props in Svelte. Normally, with props, we pass them in to a component, but here we’ll do things a little differently. As we can see, this prop is modified by the child component. In React this code would be wrong and buggy, but with Svelte, a component rendering this component can do this:

<!-- Parent.svelte -->
  import Child from "./Child.svelte";
  let parentVal;

<Child bind:val={parentVal} />
Parent Val: {parentVal}

Here, we’re binding a variable in the parent component, to the child’s val prop. Now, when the child’s val prop changes, our parentVal will be updated by Svelte, automatically.

Two-way binding is controversial for some. If you hate this then, by all means, feel free to never use it. But used sparingly, I’ve found it to be an incredibly handy tool to reduce boilerplate.

Side effects in Svelte, without the tears (or stale closures)

In React, we manage side effects with the useEffect hook. It looks like this:

useEffect(() => {
  console.log("Current value of number", number);
}, [number]);

We write our function with the dependency list at the end. On every render, React inspects each item in the list, and if any are referentially different from the last render, the callback re-runs. If we’d like to cleanup after the last run, we can return a cleanup function from the effect.

For simple things, like a number changing, it’s easy. But as any experienced React developer knows, useEffect can be insidiously difficult for non-trivial use cases. It’s surprisingly easy to accidentally omit something from the dependency array and wind up with a stale closure.

In Svelte, the most basic form of handling a side effect is a reactive statement, which looks like this:

$: {
  console.log("number changed", number);

We prefix a code block with $: and put the code we’d like to execute inside of it. Svelte analyzes which dependencies are read, and whenever they change, Svelte re-runs our block. There’s no direct way to have the cleanup run from the last time the reactive block was run, but it’s easy enough to workaround if we really need it:

let cleanup;
$: {
  console.log("number changed", number);
  cleanup = () => console.log("cleanup from number change");

No, this won’t lead to an infinite loop: re-assignments from within a reactive block won’t re-trigger the block.

While this works, typically these cleanup effects need to run when your component unmounts, and Svelte has a feature built in for this: it has an onMount function, which allows us to return a cleanup function that runs when the component is destroyed, and more directly, it also has an onDestroy function that does what you’d expect.

Spicing things up with actions

The above all works well enough, but Svelte really shines with actions. Side effects are frequently tied to our DOM nodes. We might want to integrate an old (but still great) jQuery plugin on a DOM node, and tear it down when that node leaves the DOM. Or maybe we want to set up a ResizeObserver for a node, and tear it down when the node leaves the DOM, and so on. This is a common enough requirement that Svelte builds it in with actions. Let’s see how.

{#if show}
  <div use:myAction>

Note the use:actionName syntax. Here we’ve associated this <div> with an action called myAction, which is just a function.

function myAction(node) {
  console.log("Node added", node);

This action runs whenever the <div> enters the DOM, and passes the DOM node to it. This is our chance to add our jQuery plugins, set up our ResizeObserver, etc. Not only that, but we can also return a cleanup function from it, like this:

function myAction(node) {
  console.log("Node added", node);

  return {
    destroy() {

Now the destroy() callback will run when the node leaves the DOM. This is where we tear down our jQuery plugins, etc.

But wait, there’s more!

We can even pass arguments to an action, like this:

<div use:myAction={number}>

That argument will be passed as the second argument to our action function:

function myAction(node, param) {
  console.log("Node added", node, param);

  return {
    destroy() {

And if you’d like to do additional work whenever that argument changes, you can return an update function:

function myAction(node, param) {
  console.log("Node added", node, param);

  return {
    update(param) {
      console.log("Update", param);
    destroy() {

When the argument to our action changes, the update function will run. To pass multiple arguments to an action, we pass an object:

<div use:myAction={{number, otherValue}}>

…and Svelte re-runs our update function whenever any of the object’s properties change.

Actions are one of my favorite features of Svelte; they’re incredibly powerful.

Odds and Ends

Svelte also ships a number of great features that have no counterpart in React. There’s a number of form bindings (which the tutorial covers), as well as CSS helpers.

Developers coming from React might be surprised to learn that Svelte also ships animation support out of the box. Rather than searching on npm and hoping for the best, it’s… built in. It even includes support for spring physics, and enter and exit animations, which Svelte calls transitions.

Svelte’s answer to React.Chidren are slots, which can be named or not, and are covered nicely in the Svelte docs. I’ve found them much simpler to reason about than React’s Children API.

Lastly, one of my favorite, almost hidden features of Svelte is that it can compile its components into actual web components. The svelte:options helper has a tagName property that enables this. But be sure to set the corresponding property in the webpack or Rollup config. With webpack, it would look something like this:

  loader: "svelte-loader",
  options: {
    customElement: true

Interested in giving Svelte a try?

Any of these items would make a great blog post in and of itself. While we may have only scratched the surface of things like state management and actions, we saw how Svelte’s features not only match up pretty with React, but can even mimic many of React’s APIs. And that’s before we briefly touched on Svelte’s conveniences, like built-in animations (or transitions) and the ability to convert Svelte components into bona fide web components.

I hope I’ve succeeded in sparking some interest, and if I have, there’s no shortage of docs, tutorials, online courses, etc that dive into these topics (and more). Let me know in the comments if you have any questions along the way!

Svelte for the Experienced React Dev originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

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