Comments on: quotes Tips, Tricks, and Techniques on using Cascading Style Sheets. Mon, 27 Apr 2020 20:02:27 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jay Mon, 27 Apr 2020 20:02:27 +0000 I don’t understand why the before and after pseudo-elements are required. When that whole block of code is removed, the single line of code (that includes the q selector and quotes property) seems to still work. What am I missing?!

By: Alexander Schmidt Wed, 15 Jan 2020 13:26:37 +0000 Very good, if you need german quote marks!

By: John Mon, 28 Aug 2017 08:38:42 +0000 In reply to fliptheweb.

@ Patanjali

For example, in France, the guillemots seem to only be used in traditional newspapers, but most across the rest of the country were going with inward-facing or plain double quotes, as in the US.

Yeah, that’s because guillemets are not easily reachable on a keyboard. And the funny story is that the previous french gov actually missioned a standards’ org to design a keyboard layout on which they would (as well as accentuated characters).

It seems to be a further example of the web’s influence on national cultures

The most infuriating thing is definitely the spec, which is plain wrong for french defaults.

It suggests “«” “»” “«” “»” as a default but it is just wrong.

First, you need a non-breaking (thin) space after the opening quote and before the closing quote. Then, nested quotes should be curly quotes because having nested guillemets makes a text unreadable.

It is coming down to knowing what one’s readers are used to.

French readers have no issue at all with guillemets. They get used to it as soon as they start reading (it is used everywhere except on John Doe’s computer because it takes an insane Windows alt-d+ combo to access guillemets).

As a matter of fact, straight quotes are considered amateurish, typographically wrong and, more importantly, disrespectful of the french language/culture in some contexts.

By: Patanjali Fri, 23 Dec 2016 21:36:18 +0000 If you are interested in seeing what online news sites are using for quotes in the countries you are interested in, go to:
That page lists by country, each link going to a listing of all publications, each indicating if is online with ‘IN’, and in which languages it is available.
Re France, most online sites are in English, and of those in French, about half use US quotes. Times, they are a changing!

By: Prateek Bagrecha Wed, 18 May 2016 16:27:08 +0000 Hi,

in scss code, I am using “\201D”, however after grunt build its getting converted to “\\201D”. I am not sure why. can any one help me out with this ?


By: Prateek Bagrecha Wed, 18 May 2016 16:26:11 +0000 Hi,

in scss code, I am using “\201D”, however after grunt build its getting converted to “\201D”. I am not sure why. can any one help me out with this ?


By: Patanjali Mon, 28 Sep 2015 13:50:51 +0000 @Gunnar Bittersmann
As I wrote before, associating quotes with a language may not be appropriate, as the quotes generally used online, and therefore what people will generally expect there, are mostly a variant of the ” … ‘ … ‘ … ” used in the US.

Now, one could just use those for a country, but their use is not consistent, and some authors may want to appeal to readers who DO expect to see the official country quotes, like the only one I found in France.

By: Gunnar Bittersmann Mon, 28 Sep 2015 10:32:53 +0000 In reply to fliptheweb.

In most cases you’re better off using the :lang() pseudoclass, cf.

Which quotation mark should be rendered on a multilingual page does not depend on the language of the whole page, but on the language of the text surrounding the quote, cf. Use :lang(fr) > q.

In French typography there are spaces between the quote and the quotation marks, i.e. quotes: "«\A0" "\A0 »";

By: Patanjali Sat, 08 Nov 2014 07:35:53 +0000 In reply to Delon.

Actually, defining my quotes in css properly made them independent of the lang attribute, though it does mean that one of the classes MUST be used on EVERY element where a lang attribute is used.

My styles (use as you wish) are:

body{quotes:'\201C' '\201D' '\2018' '\2019';}/“”‘’DEFAULT/
.Q_SuiDui * {quotes:'\2018' '\2019' '\201C' '\201D';}/‘’“”/
.Q_DuiSui * {quotes:'\201C' '\201D' '\2018' '\2019';}/“”‘’/
.Q_DS * {quotes:'\22' '\22' '\27' '\27';}/""''/
.Q_DsS * {quotes:'\301D' '\301E' '\27' '\27';}/〝〞''/
.Q_GdoGso * {quotes:'\AB' '\BB' '\2039' '\203A';}/«»‹›/
.Q_GdoDui * {quotes:'\AB' '\BB' '\201C' '\201D';}/«»“”/
.Q_GdoDol * {quotes:'\AB' '\BB' '\201E' '\201D';}/«»„”/
.Q_NK * {quotes:'\300A' '\300B' '\3008' '\3009';}/《》〈〉/
.Q_CJK * {quotes:'\300C' '\300D' '\300E' '\300F';}/「」『』/
.Q_DooSoo * {quotes:'\201E' '\201C' '\201A' '\2018';}/„“‚‘/
.Q_DolSui * {quotes:'\201E' '\201D' '\2018' '\2019';}/„”‘’/
.Q_DolSul * {quotes:'\201E' '\201D' '\2019' '\2019';}/„”’’/
.Q_DolGdo * {quotes:'\201E' '\201D' '\AB' '\BB';}/„”«»/
.Q_DolSuo * {quotes:'\201E' '\201D' '\2019' '\2018';}/„”’‘/
.Q_DolGdi * {quotes:'\201E' '\201D' '\BB' '\AB';}/„”»«/
.Q_GdiGsi * {quotes:'\BB' '\AB' '\203A' '\2039';}/»«›‹/
.Q_DulSul * {quotes:'\201D' '\201D' '\2019' '\2019';}/””’’/
.Q_Ja * {quotes:'\3010' '\3011' '\3016' '\3017';}/【】〖〗/

There is method in my class names. For example, DolGdo = Double opposite left Guillemot double outwards.

By: Patanjali Sat, 08 Nov 2014 06:45:00 +0000 In reply to Delon.

With Chrome, it is not all that simple.

With other browsers (IE, Samsung, iOS), applying a style defining the quotes on the body and descendent elements produces the expected results, namely:
a) The body element definition rules, unless a descendant element also has one, irrespective of lang attribute.
b) If a q element has a style for quotes, only an embedded q element gets the new style, while the parent still has it antecedent quotes, irrespective of lang attributes on any of the elements.

Unfortunately, Chrome only obeys the styles IF there are no lang attributes on an element. As soon as the lang attribute is applied to an element, the quotes ‘officially’ applicable to the lang attribute apply to its descendent q elements, BUT also to it, if it is a q. That totally screws it all up.

It would be fine if:
a) All browsers did it.
b) Everybody used the ‘official’ quotes for a language.
c) Chrome applied it to the body element.

The lang attribute is used semantically, perhaps for language tools (spelling, grammar), as it is not actually required for laying out text in the required direction, but the appropriate dir attribute, which can be directly derived from lang (by using a custom php function), IS required to ensure the appropriate alignment of other elements, like tables and fieldsets.

Now, I am designing tools for HTML dummies, and want to avoid having users lumped with having to deal with such issues. I expect that most will not be doing multiple languages on the same page, but I would like things to applied in an ‘orthogonal’ (consistent and regular) way, in that specifying the language for a semantic element, like a section, will make its content lay out appropriately, but that they can choose the quote set appropriate to their target audience.

With this Chrome issue, it appears that I have to choose one of:
a) Let Chrome users live with it. That is, suffer possibly odd quotes on q elements with a lang attribute, or within language-specific blocks.
b) Make page writers (the ‘dummies’) specify the dir attribute explicitly, but leave off the lang attribute.
c) Make page writers put in explicit quotes everywhere.

I am tempted towards a) because for:
a) Only surfaces if requiring embedded quotes within another language. I am not expecting my users to be sophisticated users of multiple languages in the one page. Of course, they would have to NOT use a quote class on a first level q element, though that is not semantically correct.
b) I would prefer direction to be explicitly tied to language use, which is the
principal reason to be using it in the first place. My target users would be very unlikely to use it for any other reason.
c) I want to avoid users having to make too many micro-decisions.

Any comments?

By: Patanjali Wed, 05 Nov 2014 10:06:07 +0000 In reply to SAiNT.

True, but in some countries, the quote marks are used for that, so the css may be set as “cite:before{content:open-quote;} cite:after{content:close-quote;}”.

By: Patanjali Wed, 05 Nov 2014 09:59:11 +0000 In reply to Delon.

I had come across a site that has an online css compressor that converted a sequence like “{quotes:’\201C’ ‘\201D’ ‘\2018’ ‘\2019’;}” to “{quotes:201C201D20182019;}”, though I left it at “{quotes:201C 201D 2018 2019;}” for readability. It worked across most browsers, except desktop and mobile Chrome.

After reading your post, I changed it back, and have got Chrome working again!


By: Patanjali Wed, 05 Nov 2014 09:46:11 +0000 In reply to fliptheweb.

After a lot of research, including looking at a lot of online versions of newspapers for usage and consistency, I found that while the official style guides for countries may specify the quote characters, there is such a wide variation in usage within a country that trying to tie the quote characters to the language for general purpose use might create frustrations.

For example, in France, the guillemots seem to only be used in traditional newspapers, but most across the rest of the country were going with inward-facing or plain double quotes, as in the US. Same with Spain. And it is like that almost everywhere else, except North Korea!

It seems to be a further example of the web’s influence on national cultures, with online writers probably more influenced by the prodigious US online presence, than their own print media. I know some would like ‘proper’ style to be used within their nations, but such things are a lot more fluid these days, because what is ‘normal’ comes with a larger deviation range than it used to!

It is coming down to knowing what one’s readers are used to. If they don’t expect guillemots, providing them may give the wrong impression of how ‘hip’ one is.

For the tools I am creating, I will be offering the main 19 variations of two-level quote character combinations for selection along with the language.

Unfortunately, I just found out that Chrome does not like using quotes specified using the css quotes attribute, so I will have to see if there is a workaround.

At least the html dir=rtl attribute can be derived from languages starting with ‘ar’, ‘dv’, ‘fa’, ‘he’, ‘ps’, ‘ur’ or ‘yi’. Unfortunately, that has to be via a php function, and not css. :(

By: Aurélien Thu, 01 May 2014 17:48:08 +0000 In reply to SAiNT.

nope because the tag is no longer used for quotation (html4). In HTML5 it defines the title of a work.

By: Stephan Wed, 26 Feb 2014 19:33:18 +0000 In reply to Delon.

That is because you are (incorrectly) using straight quotes instead of typographic quotes (see
